Meaning of a Dream

Be aware in dreams
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Meaning of a Dream

Post by hopesdead »

A few days ago I had a dream which I've been trying to figure out. The usual categories of dream meanings don't seem to apply. I am hopping someone could help me understand this dream.

The parts of a dream I can recall are after a few events occur before but have become a total blur. So from the beginning of what I remember. I happen to be running from something. The sky is pitch black like a lunar eclipse. I'm not sure if I was being chased by someone or if I ended up running into someone but I stop for a moment. I look up and see huge rocks falling from the sky. I'm able to dodge a few. Then out of nowhere a guy I know hits me in the head with a skateboard (in middle school I had been hit in the head with a skateboard by a fellow classmate who was annoyed with me while waiting for the school bus; a connection here?) After the guy hits me with the skateboard, he picks up one of the rocks and hits me with it as well. The first blow with the rock cause me to bleed from my head. I then ended up running from the guy. I suddenly go and hide out in a GameStop. The following makes no sense because I don't like playing video games. While in the GameStop store I walk over to the used GameCube games and ask an employee to recommended me something good. The guy who was bashing my head with a skateboard and huge rocks walks in. I'm bleeding as I let the employee recommend me games. Then the guy hits me with a rock again. I fall to the ground and get back up and the cycle of me walking into the store repeats over and over a few times before the dream ends.

Do dreams that have an event or element which are taken from my memory, mean something? In this case, does the incident of the skateboard from middle school being in my dream mean something? Also, why would I be doing something I don't enjoy?, which is shopping for video games in this case.

When I was younger I enjoyed video games but over the years I had grown to dislike them. One of the first video games I owned was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. If any of you have played the game, you'll want to note that in my dream, when I first meet the unnamed person, I am in a school. Not just any school but the same school which is a playable map in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Does this mean anything as well?
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Re: Meaning of a Dream

Post by henri3 »

to sum it up, this sounds like one of those end of the world dreams, look that up and see if it helps. Take a look at one of the online dream interpretation sites like this one or dream dictionary now is another good one. Hope this helps.
Last edited by henri3 on Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meaning of a Dream

Post by lisam19 »

"The guy who was bashing my head with a skateboard" lol that made me chuckle.

It sounds like you are experiencing some stress in your life that is causing you to have these dreams.
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Meaning of a Dream

Post by MathewCoava »

Every time I lucid dream there is always this personWho I always listens to that tells me that it isnt a dream that it a all real. It only happens when I realize Im in a dream and as Im just about to take control of the dream. What does that mean?
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