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How do you listen to binarual beats?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:54 am
by Barbon
K when you are listening to these things with a brief awareness of what the beats are supposed to induce before you start, do you just basically shut your brain off from all the external and your own mind and just listen to the beats OR are you supposed to think about what the beats are supposed to be trying to induce when listening to them?

I have listened to a couple of binarual beats that were meant to induce an out of body experience but whilst I was listening I was not sure if I was supposed to think about having an out of body experience or just try not think at all and focus on the track. What is it your supposed to do? I am not sure that if you are not thinking about the task you wish to do (such as an out of body experience for example) then would the track not have an effect? or do you just "trust" in the track despite having no thinking whilst listening to what its supposed to do?

Pls tell me what you supposed to do here thx.

Re: How do you listen to binarual beats?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:47 am
by Barbon
PLS someone answer this. :(

Re: How do you listen to binarual beats?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:19 pm
by NycRockerPaul
In my opinion and from first hand experiences, I try to "shut my brain off to the external" and try to get in a deep trance. I try to minimize the random thoughts I have and I try to stop my thoughts of "is this going to work?" and etc.

If I can't do this by just listening to the beats I count down from 500, not concentrating on the numbers exactly but just rhythmically doing that. I soon find I either have been counting the same number over and over, jumped around to random numbers, or stopped counting. By then I'm already in a trance and feel the effects