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"see" Dose?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:02 pm
by Lenzoid
Has anyone bought it? doesn't seem to have done anything for me. Could be partially because there's sound EVERYWHERE. My sister can't even be quiet for 15 minutes.

Edit: Tried "Hear" and it see didn't do anything. In fact, after listening to it, i got sleepy.
When i asked "what's the difference between the amazon version and the i-doser version", i didn't get an answer. When i asked if reset was required, he didn't answer my question straight up. He said it would reset my brain. I asked if it was required. I think i just wasted $6 on a scam.

Re: "see" Dose?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:31 am
by Xiled22
Lenzoid wrote:Has anyone bought it? doesn't seem to have done anything for me. Could be partially because there's sound EVERYWHERE. My sister can't even be quiet for 15 minutes.
Go somewhere quite and listen to it. Sometimes it takes a person a couple times or days to get used to a Dose.
I've been having better effects with doses in only 2 days.
You will see improvement if you learn the right mind set.

Re: "see" Dose?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:20 pm
by dp100
must be quiet. and the "see" dose just relaxes me. it doesn't enhance my vision. it makes me feel floaty without having an OBE. I like it though.