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Ideal equalizer conditions... ?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:26 am
by Iron
I use the Mp3 format of .drg files because the I-Doser program itself does not work on my OS.

I am not here, though, to discuss how to get the program to function on my far-out OS. I am here to inquire the ideal equalizer/frequency settings.

Using a typical high bass/high treble setting gives me good results from doses, but I just want to see if a better experience can be weaned from an awkward configuration on my stereo system.


Favorite doses: Bufo, Lucid Dream, Theta, White Crosses, Nitrous and last but not least, Hand of God.

Re: Ideal equalizer conditions... ?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:20 am
by kidrauhl
If you're using the MP3 versions of .drg doses, you probably got them pirated, in which case you shouldn't even bother with them. Pirated doses are often fakes, and even when they're the real deal, they lose sound quality when they are compressed to MP3 format.