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Something gates of hades

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:57 am
by IDoseAddict
Recently, about a couple of days ago I tried the gates of hades, and I have to say I was honestly scared shitless I was shaken up, but just a few hours ago I downloaded this app on my iPhone that uses binaural beats like I-dose and tried one of them. In the description it said it was for meditation and made to feel like you are floating so I tried it. When I tried it abou 5 min after I felt kinda calm but not fully sure. Mabye 10 minutes passed, and then I just felt...not scared but just..unsure of everything I guess. I broke down in tears and got really paranoid, and as I sat on my bed I began to feel crowded and that somebody was in front of me and watching. I could swear I heard screams. I became nervous and I curled into a ball. It felt as if something was pulling my soul out of my back. I'm not sure but i think this lasted 15 min. I don't know but I'm never doing that again. Compared to my gates of hades experience, this was about the same. I deleted that app and I never want to do that again.

Re: Something gates of hades

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:12 pm
by Sevenfold
Dude, nobody believes me, but the same thing happened to me in a different situation. I'm very faint-hearted and paranoid and I know for a fact that I would NOT enjoy the Gates of Hades thing. But anyway, there was some sketch online that I found of a man's face- not even a frightening face, but just weird. It is said that the majority of people have seen that man's face in a dream somewhere and have bad associations with it. So, I scrolled down to view the picture. After I saw it, my heart just stopped. I immediately started crying and ran into my brother's room. I felt like someone was constantly behind me, just staring at me or "sucking out my soul" like you said. I had nightmares for days and still get shaky and paranoid when I even think about it. It just struck some sort of subconscious cord, I don't even know why. But definitely the weirdest thing I had ever experienced. The sad part? That was only a month ago and I'm 16 years old. The last time I cried before then was when my dog died two years ago. I totally understand what you're feeling man. Btw, I can supply you with the link to the sketch if you'd like (It's in a thread called "The Nightmare Thread" in the off-topic forum on Most people in the thread said the pic had no effect on them, but for me- that thing just screwed me up. I still am a bit screwed up.