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New to I-doser, please help...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:20 pm
by bloodkaiser
So im new to i-doser and havent really got any effects from the doses ive tryed. Just want to ask a few quests. Will i-doser work with ipod earbuds? You know the ones ipods bring... Also when I hear it is it supposed to sound like static in the background? When im in a dose, am I supposed to feel and know im awake? or am i supposed to fall asleep in the dose or somthing? What would be a good dose to use with ipod earbuds? or a dose thats easy to make it work? And also what method do you use to concentrate and make your dose work?

Re: New to I-doser, please help...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:26 pm
by NoDozTweaker
Well there

Re: New to I-doser, please help...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:55 pm
by NoDozTweaker
Well there is a TON of posts that answer this as long as you dig, but I'll see what I got for ya. Keep in mind I'm kinda new as well and am nowhere near as experienced as a lot of the other forum members. I'm simply using the info I found on many other topics in the forums. The post will be long, but some of these answers require some detail so I apologize lol.

First, and probably most important, is the iPod earbud question. Those things are horribly crappy sound quality. Even by earbud standards they are bad. Generally, you also want to use headphones instead as they somewhat passively block out sound around you. I would click the link for recommended I-doser headphones on the main page. The twenty dollar ones that pop up are the ones I bought. They aren't great, but they are good enough and for twenty bucks the sound quality is actually pretty good even for listening to music. I would say this is probably a must, because the iPod earbuds probably can't cover the entire frequency range that the doses need to actually work. Sorry :(

Second, yes if you are using the pure doses through the I-doser program it will sound like white static and generator humming or something. You can get ambient sounds. Unfortunately, for those you must purchase the mp3 files or CD's. I prefer these, but I use the computer as well and can get effects from both.

Third, you should be awake but relaxed when administering the doses. Some doses are designed as sleep aids, but you should still be awake when starting them.

Finally, the big one. As far as the process to make them work if you know how to meditate already just do that while focusing on the sounds. If you're like me that suggestion doesn't help at all though :P

If that's the case then here's what to do:
1. Eliminate distractions like your cell phone (turn it off), eat, hydrate, use the restroom, ect.
2. Now, set yourself up in a dark room. Use a towel or something to cover your eyes while you dose.
3. Lay down and get comfortable to wear you can keep from moving around
4. Start the dose
5. Focus using these methods:
A. breathe in slowly through your nose and out slowly through your mouth
B. start counting down from a randomly chosen three digit number (shoot high you usually won't get any effects before about 75% through the doses when you first start. I still don't until about 50-60% it seems)
C. Also, you may want to count down in multiples of three or something. It seems to take a bit more focus than just counting down by one
D. Try not to let your mind wander too much. You want to be focused on the sounds. The whole point of the counting is to keep your mind busy between that and focusing.
E. Don't worry if you mess up or forget where you're at in the counting just keep counting.

Now we are finally at the end :P A few last points for you are these:
-It is VERY likely you will experience nothing the first few times you do a certain dose (it took me a week to get my first to work)
-pirated doses won't work
-shorter doses are the best starters as you don't need to stay in the zone for as long:
--Quick Happy - 5mins
--French Roast (F_Roast) - 5 mins
--Nitrous - 10mins

Happy I-dosing! :D

P.S. Sorry, about that two word post I bumped a button on my computer :P