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Sacred simulations/ One question to mp3s confidence dose
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:13 pm
by wajdaz
Have anyone tryed this yet? What's the diffrence between HOG and GOH for 200$ in .drg and from this for only 15euros. .drg lenght is 30min and mp3s is 15min, so maybe doses from mp3s pack is a few times weaker? Because I can't buy it for 400$, and I'm thinking of buying this pack to taste I-doser greatness. What do you think?
Another question: Have anyone tryed Confidence from mp3 pack? Have it worked for you?
Re: Sacred simulations/ One question to mp3s confidence dose
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:46 am
by _Benny_MeXXcaline_
The .drg for someone works better!but I don't think that there'is big difference!
Re: Sacred simulations/ One question to mp3s confidence dose
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:36 am
by idoser
The mp3 version of hand of god here and the .drg version here are completely different versions. The pure .drg file is a more complete sequence. The mp3 is shorter and with ambient backtracks and different programming. People find the .drg to be exponentially stronger, and it was always intended to be a premium developer dose (not in wide release) which is why it is priced so high.
Oh, and if you downloaded any HoG version from a torrent and alternate site other than I-Doser - its a fake. It is our most counterfeited dose. Every instance posted instance not from our dose store has been a fake. We did a test where we downloaded 50 instances of HoG from various torrent and download sites and every single one was a fake.