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Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:31 pm
by SleepingBird
Last night I tried the Astral dose..
It was wonderful!
Round 30% I started to see intense dancing colours with my eyes closed. Someone familiar with the music-visualisations in Windows Media Player? It was like that, really nice.
Around 50% my body, from my feet up to my shoulders, felt really warm and comfy.. And suddenly they were numb. I went in some kind of trance and I saw purple things. Purple clouds, purple stars.. I felt like being lifted up in the air and like flying through the purple stars. it was great! I never experienced anything like that before.

Then I saw a funny face out of nowhere, I got distracted, and I got out of the trance. It was really nice to experience this. :-)

Re: Astral

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:51 pm
by Crater7
It seems you're really positively affected by I-Doser! Buy some more doses. It would be nice to see some more of your reviews!