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Huge question??

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:13 pm
by red_panda3
Ok i have been listening to my friends ipod because he has a bunch of idoser songs... such as gate of hades, hand of god, and diviorum i think it is.. well its not alot but its alot of money. Still after i heard these 3 ( skipping to parts) they all sounded the same... They all feature a kind of static whitenoise and have fluctuations and different stuff but everything was basically similar, if anyone knows what i mean... Can anyone else confirm this or what cuz i think he got ripped off or he downloaded them off like torrents and shit... Sorry for being a noob but im just curious Thanks alot

Re: Huge question??

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:50 pm
by Crater7
This is what I-Doser is.
It is frequencies introduced with white noise, pink noise, and sometimes ambient soundscapes. Your brain puts out brainwaves based on brain activity. So, if you’re sitting there typing that will be a different frequency then if you were on a roller coaster at 90 MPH. What I-Doser does is it gives of specific sounds to each ear which influence your "binaural brainwaves" to a very specific frequency. When your brainwaves are at a certain frequency it can simulate being high, or being drunk, or even just being in a normal state of mind. Read other parts of the forums to see techniques on how to do I-Doser correctly.

The basic method that works for most people is-
Lay down on your bed with minimal light and listen to the beats with a nice pair of headphones. NOTE- speakers will NOT work because each side has a different frequency that interacts.
While listening, you want to clear your mind and let the beats sink in. Some do this by counting down from a number; or just trying to fall asleep.
Get rid of all distractions, noise, or light sources.
Search the forum for more detailed instructions on how to dose! It helps a lot!

So, all in all: What you heard was I-Doser. But your friend has might not be the real deal! If he torrented it then there’s a 99% chance that it’s fake.

If you want to try I-Doser then you can download the I-Doser app for free! Along with 2 free doses.
You already signed up for the forums, so you should get 3 more free doses in an email.
If you sign up to the shop then you get 2 more free doses from that!
And if you subscribe to the secret newsletter you can get pro tips and free doses from that!

Re: Huge question??

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:00 pm
by red_panda3
lol ty i heard gate of hades and it was all like u said maybe but im not trying that yet i wanna start off easy, thanks again

Re: Huge question??

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:12 pm
by Crater7
DO NOT TRY GATES OF HADES! Not yet at least! If you try it you will not want to come back to I-Doser for a long time, if not forever!

Re: Huge question??

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:29 pm
by red_panda3
haha i prob wont i got balls but dont wanna die xD