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Peyote Experience

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:21 pm
by JamesMarshallHendrix
OK so I´m gonna post my experiences with peyote.
It´s my favourite dose so far because I pretty much always get an effect of it, some stronger some weaker.
when the Effects weren´t htat strong I usually wasnt relaxed enough I think, but I still got muscle spasms ( not sure if you wanna call it so but I think you know what I mean :-D )
2 or 3 times it was pretty good and I drifted in and out a subconscious focus all the time wich was pretty cool, one time I even stop hearing the beats and started hearing beautiful music but that didn´t last long.
I hope I can stay longer in that subconscious in the future but its pretty hard.

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:38 pm
by arijas
so wtf did u felt after dose?any halliucionations?or something?

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:08 am
by JamesMarshallHendrix
No unfortunately I didn´t get any hallucinations by now. Has anyone here in the forum already managed to get hallucinations of iDoser ? I doubt that you can. After the dose I normally feel kinda numb but although a bit confused and desorianted and sometimes my perception is changed a bit and colors seem a bit brighter sometimes but I´d love to have some real hallucinations or at least some optics.

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:19 pm
by arijas
not really its exremely hard for me to get halliuciogations(i dont know if i wrote it right) i listened to LSD i think and the real halliuc. was some kind of flash like thunder near my foot and i scared alot ofc coz it was first time.

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:29 am
by _Benny_MeXXcaline_
Some people say that if you didn't take any hallucinogenic you couldn't have hallucination...But I don't know if it's true!

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:53 am
by arijas
u cant get it from first tries.

Re: Peyote Experience

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:56 pm
by Sloth
A hallucination is any tampering with the senses, causing a false reaction to it. So you could hear, feel, taste, smell or see anything that is not there. Peyote made me feel like the chair I was on wasnt there, so hallucinationd can and will vary from simple things like what I felt