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Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:36 pm
by ipeterg123
alright so i have used i doser for a little while now but i stopped for a while and i am now trying it out again :D

HEres some background info: I am a 15 year old male who found out about this and was extremely skeptical. But a lot of doses have worked and i changed my mind. Nothing really is a perfect mimic.
so i decided to share my experiences in this thread, and tell you which ones worked for me and which ones didn't

i also rated theses does out of 100

1:Marijuana:(20/100 This was the first dose i tried, and it was vary unimpressive. I did it at my friends house and i barley felt anything. this was the main reason i didn't idose for a while

2:Acidqh (35/100) well this one really doesn't work that great either, half way through the dose (eye open) time seemed to slow down for a couple of seconds, and people sounded like there voice was coming through a phasor. But that was all

3:Heroin:(90/100) By far the best dose i have tried. It made me euphoric and extremely relaxed it did its job very well and i recommend it to everyone.

4:LSD: (75/100)One of the weirder doses i have tried no real visual hallucinations BUT MANY AUDIO HALLUCINATIONS. the first started about a minute in and i was thinking of a rem song and suddenly i could hear it, litterly hear it like someone was playing it. i then thought of a different song and i could her that song. it was crazy.after the dose i got up and went to walk over to my friend, but i felt disoriented and it seemed like he was far away even though he wasn't. and then he said something and it sounded like it came through a phaser and was slowed down. my motor controls were a little screwy too. this was a pretty cool dose

5: Brain+ (80/100) works very well and helps me focus and do my homework nuff said

6:ecstacyQH (85/100) A great dose makes fe feel tingly and nice kinda sexually. very nice unexpected feeling. i really recommend this one

7:orgasmQH (65/100) didn't feel anything most of the time at about 90% i felt kinda "turned on" and a little tingly. unimpressive

8:excite: (65/100) it sort of made me horny. but nothing impressive very similar to orgasm HQ

9: inhalent: (30/100) let me start by saying i did not get through this whole dose, when the terrible screech hit i tore of my head phones in shock, it scared the crap out of me. I did feel a little but i definitely don't recommend this one (unless you like being scared)

I am going to test the following soon: Trip, marijuanaQH, ecstasy, ritalin, and so on

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:38 pm
by arijas
with those sexual exp's i had some similar effects and im also 15, u must listen to all doses eyes closed.

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:20 pm
by _Benny_MeXXcaline_
I agree with Heroin but LSD didn't have a lot of effect on me...

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:42 pm
by toewsf4n
ipeterg123 wrote:he said something and it sounded like it came through a phaser
ipeterg123 wrote:people sounded like there voice was coming through a phasor
I'm sorry to tell you but that happens with most doses that dont have any crazy sounds like inhalant just because you have been listening to the binaural beats constantly for so long.

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:36 pm
by arijas
wait , idont get it what do u mean by saying that?yeah i've heard that inhalat is so fucking scary but still..

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:54 pm
by toewsf4n
Things sound all metallic only because you have been listening to the binaural beats constantly for so long. Your ears have just gotten used to the noises, but with inhalant and other ones like it, there are periods of about 5 minutes where it plays weird noises that aren't really binaural beats so your ears aren't used to the binaural beats anymore, and it takes more time for them to get used to it again. It's kinda like if you get ringing in your ears from something.

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:28 pm
by arijas
no im not that used to the sound , on andrenochrome dose that sounds so freaks me out and i start thinking that my eards will start bleeding.

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:48 pm
by ipeterg123
toewsf4n wrote:
ipeterg123 wrote:he said something and it sounded like it came through a phaser
ipeterg123 wrote:people sounded like there voice was coming through a phasor
I'm sorry to tell you but that happens with most doses that dont have any crazy sounds like inhalant just because you have been listening to the binaural beats constantly for so long.

What i meant was more so then most of the other doses, it lasted for about 10 minuets after, while others lasted for like half a minute. but i know where your coming from with that

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:17 pm
by toewsf4n
ipeterg123 wrote:
toewsf4n wrote:
ipeterg123 wrote:he said something and it sounded like it came through a phaser
ipeterg123 wrote:people sounded like there voice was coming through a phasor
I'm sorry to tell you but that happens with most doses that dont have any crazy sounds like inhalant just because you have been listening to the binaural beats constantly for so long.

What i meant was more so then most of the other doses, it lasted for about 10 minuets after, while others lasted for like half a minute. but i know where your coming from with that
ooo ok thanks for clearing it up. ya ok thats interesting, it sounds like a good result :D

Re: Dose experience journal updated with every new dose

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:01 pm
by Sloth
ipeterg123 wrote:alright so i have used i doser for a little while now but i stopped for a while and i am now trying it out again :D

HEres some background info: I am a 15 year old male who found out about this and was extremely skeptical. But a lot of doses have worked and i changed my mind. Nothing really is a perfect mimic.
so i decided to share my experiences in this thread, and tell you which ones worked for me and which ones didn't

i also rated theses does out of 100

1:Marijuana:(20/100 This was the first dose i tried, and it was vary unimpressive. I did it at my friends house and i barley felt anything. this was the main reason i didn't idose for a while

2:Acidqh (35/100) well this one really doesn't work that great either, half way through the dose (eye open) time seemed to slow down for a couple of seconds, and people sounded like there voice was coming through a phasor. But that was all

3:Heroin:(90/100) By far the best dose i have tried. It made me euphoric and extremely relaxed it did its job very well and i recommend it to everyone.

4:LSD: (75/100)One of the weirder doses i have tried no real visual hallucinations BUT MANY AUDIO HALLUCINATIONS. the first started about a minute in and i was thinking of a rem song and suddenly i could hear it, litterly hear it like someone was playing it. i then thought of a different song and i could her that song. it was crazy.after the dose i got up and went to walk over to my friend, but i felt disoriented and it seemed like he was far away even though he wasn't. and then he said something and it sounded like it came through a phaser and was slowed down. my motor controls were a little screwy too. this was a pretty cool dose

5: Brain+ (80/100) works very well and helps me focus and do my homework nuff said

6:ecstacyQH (85/100) A great dose makes fe feel tingly and nice kinda sexually. very nice unexpected feeling. i really recommend this one

7:orgasmQH (65/100) didn't feel anything most of the time at about 90% i felt kinda "turned on" and a little tingly. unimpressive

8:excite: (65/100) it sort of made me horny. but nothing impressive very similar to orgasm HQ

9: inhalent: (30/100) let me start by saying i did not get through this whole dose, when the terrible screech hit i tore of my head phones in shock, it scared the crap out of me. I did feel a little but i definitely don't recommend this one (unless you like being scared)

I am going to test the following soon: Trip, marijuanaQH, ecstasy, ritalin, and so on
Thats the problem. Too many people start with Marijuana and stop I-Dosing.Ive tried it many times (been I-Dosing for a year), and it still doesn't work, but the stronger ones do still.