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Which one to get next???

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:07 pm
by Taran42
I have tried the recreational pack #1. I'm going to but more. But I am torn between these two:

-recreational pack #2, contains nitrous, trip, absinthe, and rave

-sport simulations, contains juiceIT, adrenaline, and 2 other that I forgot. I play football in hughschool, and I want to use these to weightlift...

I want the other pack to have fun!
Help me pick, back me up wit ur expiriences of items from boh packs, please, do the sport ones work good? Is the recreational pack worth it. They are both $9.99, but which one comes out o top? Thanks, happy doseing! :)

Re: Which one to get next???

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:06 pm
by owlmaid
All I can tell you is recreational pack two is great, I don't know about the other one, sorry.

Re: Which one to get next???

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:07 pm
by Veryala
Since you already did a pack for recreation, I would get the sports one next. That way you can apply it to football and have a chance to make yourself and your team better. It gives you a more well-rounded I-Dose experience. Besides, you can always save up for the other one and make it next on your list.

Re: Which one to get next???

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:37 pm
by dp100
Taran42 wrote:I have tried the recreational pack #1. I'm going to but more. But I am torn between these two:

-recreational pack #2, contains nitrous, trip, absinthe, and rave

-sport simulations, contains juiceIT, adrenaline, and 2 other that I forgot. I play football in hughschool, and I want to use these to weightlift...

I want the other pack to have fun!
Help me pick, back me up wit ur expiriences of items from boh packs, please, do the sport ones work good? Is the recreational pack worth it. They are both $9.99, but which one comes out o top? Thanks, happy doseing! :)
the 2 sports ones are victory and HGH