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Pure Doses?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:32 pm
by guitaristr2
So i have read on other binaural beat sites that alpha, theta and gamma beats could help with your learning and brain power and i dont know bout you, but that sounds pretty sweet. But my question is, can you listen to them while you are awake since you're not technically getting an "effect" like other doses like heroin or cocaine? I think it would be cool to listen to those daily. Thanks for your help!

Re: Pure Doses?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:59 pm
by aljh92
I would say you cann. but its not the same effect if you do it in a trance. It sounds like you want a brain+ like experience. I would also read the description of what they do also. I mean, the ones you say make you sleep, make you normaly active, and make you parinoid. beta is the best one for the brain. makes it easier to solve puzzles... Brain+ works even better though. its worth the price. and there are a whole bunch of daily ones you can do. pure ones work really well. I'm trying to get into I-Choose. but i fall asleep in the lower frequency.

Re: Pure Doses?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:04 pm
by spitfire1080
you can listen to them while awake, thats what they're made for, they are called "pure" because they are basically just the same sounds as the other doses, except they are simply the binaural beat without the extra modification, in other words, the technology this is built on, they are still quite effective though,