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Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:40 am
by owlmaid
Hi dosers!

I'm having this problem where I keep falling asleep during the doses and then they don't work very well. The strange thing is this never used to be a problem for me- I'd fall asleep during doses and they'd still work fine. Maybe though I wasn't falling asleep before, just going into a deep trance. Anyway, now I know without a doubt I'm falling asleep. My favorite doses are the ones that mellow you out. Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't really just dose when I'm feeling really awake because I'm jittery and besides that doesn't happen often, I have a lot of sleep issues (can't be solved with I-dose sleep doses) and during the day, I'm tired.

The dose I have the most issues falling asleep on is Heroin. I'd hate to stop it though, because when I managed not to fall asleep it was my favorite dose. If anyone has some dose suggestions, let me know.
Here's what I've done: Alcohol, Nitrous, Marijuana, Marijuana QH, Absinthe, LSD, LSD QH, Content, Anesthesia, Heroin, Morphine, A-Bomb, White Crosses, Cocaine QH, DMT, Peyote, Demerol, Hash, DXM, Oxy, Vico, AMT, Acid, Ketamine, Aftermath, Codeine

Any suggestions are welcome.

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:13 pm
by TheDoseification
Try some real life caffeine, then do a dose of Condition, then whatever dose you want, then Reset. I don't have this problem, so this is definitely not coming from experience, but it seems like it would work to me.

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:29 pm
by owlmaid
TheDoseification wrote:Try some real life caffeine, then do a dose of Condition, then whatever dose you want, then Reset. I don't have this problem, so this is definitely not coming from experience, but it seems like it would work to me.
I tried doing Condition then the dose, still sleep issue.

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:58 am
by arijas
if u fall asleep, dont be so concentrated to the sound :D

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:42 pm
by daver
Maybe take some time off and get some really good sleep?

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 11:16 pm
by Zukamimotu
If you can't sleep at night, dose at night. If that answer is too smart-assed, I would do the french roast dose, reset, condition, [enter whatever dose you want here], and then maybe reset. French roast just props you awake. After using reset and condition, your effects from french roast should still be enough to carry you through whatever other dose you're doing. It might take a while to actually get to where you're going, but it's mad worth is, as we all know. ;)

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm
by Veryala
Try listening to the dose while sitting in a hard-backed chair with no neck support. The slight discomfort from sitting in the chair should be enough to keep you awake, and even if you start to fall asleep your head will drop onto your chest and wake you up again. It also helps to look straight ahead while your eyes are closed, and not allow them to roll backwards into their sleeping position.

Re: Sudden problem with falling asleep while dosing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:48 pm
by HeyyGaryy
I sometimes have this problem too.. Using condition and maybe reset should help. Also drinking and energy drink or coffee would work too. Also try Alert+ before your dose. I should make you awake and alert before starting your dose.

Good luck :)