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First Love Experience

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:18 pm
by jtbufton
First of all i love how this dose has like 3 stages that i can remember so awesome and eye opening!

A rather interesting dose if you ask me. It sends you through the stages of when you start to fall in love. I’m sure everyone who is reading understands to what that is.Each description below is part of the experience and how I felt through it all.

First Stage
You first lay your eyes on them and you feel your heart race a little. You know that your going to be with them one day, everytime your around them you just get the butterflies in your stomach.Then you finally get the courage to ask them on a date, and you feel the relief when they agree to be with you.

Second Stage
Your with the person for a while, everyday is an adventure. You start to feel as if you can spend the rest of your days with them. Your starting to fall in love with them but afraid to be the first one to say the three magic words “I Love You”. You two are sitting there cuddleing and they look at you and say it and all you can respond with is “I Love You” and you spend the rest of the time together in bliss.

Third Stage
To all good things must come an end.. The dreaded day comes and they break your heart. You lay in your bed depressed, crying wishing that they would have reconsidered there choice.. as the days go on your feeling go numb; Hoping,Wishing and Praying that the day will come around that you fall in love again.

After this dose all I could do was cry for 5-10 mins. after crying I was depressed… but that passed after a while. “All good things must come to an end”

Re: First Love Experience

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:04 pm
by jairo0023
First-Love was my first I-Dose :)
But wow! You got the full effects XD :\ The first time that i did First-Love It didn't worked :crybaby:

Re: First Love Experience

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:42 pm
by jtbufton
its rather amazing XD and im surprised it worked so well on me but cool as it gets

Re: First Love Experience

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:05 am
by TheGuide
Glad you had a good experience with it.

Re: First Love Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:48 pm
by RandysGirl
Seems extremely interesting, I will definetly have to give this one a try :D

Re: First Love Experience

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:13 pm
by AkoeM
When i did First love,i had feeling a second first love :D
It's was awesome.
Lucky for you to jtbufton.