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Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:21 pm
by MrThirdEye
So, I'm relatively new to I-doser and I've been having quite a bit of trouble with doing the doses. Namely, every time that I try to dose...I end up falling asleep. I'll be totally focused and then my mind will start to wander until I eventually fall asleep. I got some good rest today and I want to try dosing again tonight. Any tips on how to stay awake during the dose? And feel free to recommend some good beginner doses.


Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:37 am
by TheGuide
Should prob be in support, just saying

but anyways for your question

This is a very hard thing to fight in the beginning few things

How late at night are you starting the doses?
Are you already tired?
Laying down under covers in dark?
Which dose?

Please let me know so I can try to help you out more with the problems.

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:00 pm
by MrThirdEye
How late at night are you starting the doses?
Are you already tired?
Laying down under covers in dark?
Which dose?

I usually try to dose after everyone else in my house goes to bed. So, 11 or 11:30ish depending on the day.

Typically, when I'm not really tired. I mean, I go to bed at 2am almost everyday.

Yeah, I'm usually under the covers.

And last one I tried to do was White Crosses, but I want to try either MarijuanaQH or AcidQH next.

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:39 am
by dp100
MrThirdEye wrote:How late at night are you starting the doses?
Are you already tired?
Laying down under covers in dark?
Which dose?

I usually try to dose after everyone else in my house goes to bed. So, 11 or 11:30ish depending on the day.

Typically, when I'm not really tired. I mean, I go to bed at 2am almost everyday.

Yeah, I'm usually under the covers.

And last one I tried to do was White Crosses, but I want to try either MarijuanaQH or AcidQH next.
are they the ones with ambient sound? if not then try drinking coffee or taking caffeine tablets before. If they are the ambient music could make you tired. also are you using sedatives? if so that is why.

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:44 am
by crazycupcake
well....sometimes it happens to me but it doesn't affects the results actually..... not for me.... well... I just fall asleep for few minutes than i wake up relaxed and everything still working..... but if it doesn't to you... so I think u should try it in the morning maybe... after you have the breakfast.... that's' it.. I hope it helped you ;)

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:08 am
by owlmaid
I have problems with that too sometimes. I don't think you're dosing at the best time- but I can see why you might need to wait and dose then. I would try not dosing where you sleep. Don't get under the covers. If you really want to use your bed, at least lie on it differently that when you sleep, like sideways, or head where your feet usually are. Use a different pillow that the one you sleep on, basically just make things as different from your sleep place as possible while still being comfortable enough to dose.
I haven't tried AcidQH, but I tried the full Acid and I'm just gonna tell you, it was intense. Not so much the hallucinations as the switching feelings every couple seconds. Definitely worth trying though.
White Crosses made me fall asleep too.

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:11 pm
by dp100
I dosed during the day today. I get best effects right when I wake up or during nighttime. helps me relax. today I tried rave. I got the same effects as first time but was less powerful. then I tried absinthe. I got some relaxation at about 12PM.

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:07 am
by MrThirdEye
I'd have to wait until my family isn't around/conscious to dose. Just purely courtesy, I guess. Which is why I wait until late to dose. Now, I do have one of those pillows that you use to help you sit up in bed. I could probably use that. It'd be not comfortable enough to fall asleep, but not too uncomfortable to get in the zone. Either that, or I could lie on my back (I usually sleep on my side).

I'll also wait until I have the house to myself for awhile so that I can do it at a better time when I'm more awake. Next thing I try will probably be AcidQH, LSD, or MarijuanaQH. Unless you guys have different recommendations?

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:05 pm
by wanted1993
Me too.
Well, Yesterday I decided to give a try out for Opium. But felt asleep and Woke up after like 2 hours wondering where I was. LOL

Re: Falling asleep during doses???

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:09 pm
by owlmaid
Oh yeah, I've fallen asleep and woken up wondering where the hell I was and WHO the hell I was. That was a fun time. :D