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My Experiencces with Heroin, Speed, etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:20 am
by MrMoustache
Hi. Wanna say thanks for iDoser. It's a great program. I thought I'd post my experiences with some doses just in case anyone was unsure about buying one and needed a description of what to expect.

So, the first dose that had a profound effect on me was the full-length Heroin dose. I put this one on and lied back on my bed. The full effects hit within a few minutes. The sensation was excellent. It was very much a feeling of security and warmth. Sort of like a heavy, heated blanket around your body. During this dose I drifted back and forth between my mind and reality, sometimes opening my eyes, as if to make sure I'm still here. I was numb, tingling, and relaxed. A great experience.

My next enjoyable dose was the Speed Quick-Hit. Prior to dosing I was in a horrible mood. I was tired, annoyed, even slightly achy. I listened to this with some Mozart in the background. This dose is different from Heroin in the way that the effects come after the dose, rather than during it. When I put my headphones down I felt great. Happy, talkative, and energized. The effects lasted a good while, and instead of abruptly stopping, they gradually faded away into a calm, happy feeling.

Finally, my last dose experience was the TripQH. This was a very interesting dose. I did this one while sitting up in a chair, rather than laying down. My eyes were closed and I leaned my head against my hand. The effects were instantaneous. As I focused on the sounds my mind began to wonder. My thoughts were vivid and detailed, and I saw colorful pictures and patterns in my mind. I felt my body slowly rock back and forth, kind of like a tree in the wind. Unfortunately, I had to stop this dose. At the time it was too intense for me. Further into it I remember getting strange pictures in my mind. Strange, twisted, ghoulish faces. The rocking was a bit intense for me too, and I felt like people were next to me. I'll definitely try it agian soon though, and laying down next time.

Anyway, these three doses have worked extremely well for me. I hope my descriptions help someone in doubt of iDoser's potential, or uncertain of which dose to try first.

Good luck!

Re: My Experiencces with Heroin, Speed, etc.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:10 am
by owlmaid
Heroin is possibly my favorite dose.

Re: My Experiencces with Heroin, Speed, etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:26 am
by sam94
i got the same experience from trip every single time i use it , its my favorite dose :)

Re: My Experiencces with Heroin, Speed, etc.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:32 am
by scream2011
wow nice i would try Trip sometime xD