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Tips for an iDoser newbie?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:40 am
by xD e v i Lx
I first heard about i Doser after watching a video of my girlfriend listen to Gates of Hades, watching it all just brought up a question to me if it at all really worked. Being the skeptic I am, I asked her how to get my hands on a few of these "doses". I bought the Celestial Simulations pack off of I-Tunes for 9.99, covered the windows, shut off the TV, turned off the lights and grabbed a pair of a headphones and figured I'd start with Out of Body.

I layed down in my bed and covered my eyes with a shirt leaving roughly enough room to blink and then while the track played just kept my eyes open and tried to count backwards starting from a high number, to help concentrate. Roughly 7 minutes in, I started seeing shades of black and gray move around in front of my eyes and felt my hands and legs get numb, I was very calm and in a serene state and eventually almost felt as if my bed was tilting up, but other than that not much more happened for the 15 minutes the dose lasted.

I know i Doser takes time to learn how to use, as do most things in life. I also noticed an app on the iPhone for the doses I'm sure is pretty popular too, is buying doses from iTunes the most effective way to dose? Any overall tips would be appreciated! I'm totally new to the entire concept of this and hope to get into it as much as possible :mrgreen:

Re: Tips for an iDoser newbie?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:16 am
by idosay
If you want to learn how to i-dose, simply Google "How to Meditate." The whole idea is to turn off the brain and think of nothing. Ideally you shouldn't even be counting backwards at all, this should only be done to keep your brain busy and not think of anything to complicated. When you meditate you focus on your breath but in i-dosing you want to focus more on the sounds. You also want to block out all other sense as much as possible. For me a shirt over my face was more distracting mentally than without one (and also my eyelashes are way to long and no matter how loose the shirt my eye lashes always touched it).

Re: Tips for an iDoser newbie?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:01 am
by xD e v i Lx
Yah, just tried the alcohol dose last night and WOW, what a buzz :D Afterwards I felt a rush of joy & happiness as if everything was just....ok in the world. No problems, no stress, everything was laughable and seemed to have...a stretched entertainment value :shock: Can't wait to get into the other doses!