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Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:14 pm
by android574

I'm a big fan of I-Doser, it never worked though. Everytime when I try a dose (Heroin, Bufotoad and some others) I just fall asleep after like 4-5 minutes of listening. I really don't know why that happens, I think my headphones are right, they're Sennheiser Hd-380 Pro, they got 8 – 27,000 Hz so I think everything's okay. I do everything people say here, lying down on the bed in a dark room, closing my eyes. Then I concentrate on the Dose for like 4-5 minutes and again, asleep. Mostly I wake up like 20 minutes later, when the dose got like 5 or 10 minutes left. Ofc I dont feel anything, no after effects, nothing. The sound just gets really annoying right after I wake up, so I stop it. Could someone give me any tips on how to avoid it to fall asleep? I've tried it at different times, even when I was really really awake. There's rarely a moment where I can stay up the whole time, but when that happens I dont feel anything, just 30 minutes woom wooooom woooom and some really unknown sound after taking off the headphones, it's I dont know, like dropping a lot of small glass parts.

I hope someone can give me tips. I tried counting backwards, to focus on the "whooom whoom", to focus on the white noise and and and.


Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:50 pm
by zoobob1
Drink some coffee right before or mountain dew

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:27 pm
by android574
But what I heard is that I have to be relaxed, do you think that will work after some coffee? We don't have Mountain Dew here, doesn't exist here.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:52 pm
by zoobob1
Yeah Coffee just makes you stay awake no hyperness, atleast for me and I have ADHD, but when people think of it, they say the doses are just too long to handle. But the affects come on during the dose so I think the most fun is during the dose and like 10 minutes after when on some I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:42 pm
by android574
Ok - I just got through a whole dose but while listening to it I got distracted by other thoughts. They are really annoying and I can't do anything against them. I listen to the dose and then some stupid thought just comes into my mind. I'm trying to get it away by trying to focus onto the dose again, but just seconds later some thought comes again. They don't even give any sense, they have nothing to do with anything, like focusing onto the dose and suddenly some guy in my mind sits at a piano and plays a song. I mean - what the fuck. While the "guy plays piano" the dose is like really quiet until I notice that I'm distracted again, then the dose gets louder again and seconds later another god damn thought comes into my mind. This is at ALL doses when I'm able to stay awake for some minutes while listening to it, I just can't focus on the dose.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:46 pm
by zoobob1
What I do when I get a different thought (happens EVERY dose for me) I just focus on the waaawawaaawaaawaawawaaa noise as much as can, like I've never concentrated on anything else before, and that works for me, and I'm going to finish this Jersey Shore, go make some ramon noodles and gonna dose, I plan on doing Demeral for the 2-4 hour euphoric after effect! I also recommend Opiate/Heroin

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:19 pm
by android574
The one I just tried was Inhalant since there was a thread with a lot of people that recommended it. I searched a bit through the forum now and read that listening to vocalless music at a dose is one way to get through it. I dont really know if that's really a good solution.

The funny thing is - The first dose I ever tried was Hand Of God, at a friend. And it worked. It was the most fucked up thing that ever happened to me. The first 10 minutes just were boring, I were sure that nothing more will happen. So i listened more until I got some feeling that the ground was shaking. My friend told me if I get any effects I just have to accept them, so I did accept the "ground shaking" feeling. It was like something really heavy was smashing onto the ground like every second and it got louder and louder. like 10 minutes later some rattle also appeared, it really felt like a big armored army of whatevers walked by my side. It was like dooms day, completely not what the Dose name says. When I remember right that happened while just a white noise was playing, not any "woooowoooooo" sounds. I was sitting while using the dose, covering my eyes with my hands.

THAT is what I call an experience, unfortunately it never worked like that again, and that was like 1 1/2 years ago. Now I just get a shitload of thoughts that completely mess up the dose. I can focus as much as I want, doesn't work. I'm going to try it with music later, it's worth a try.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:22 am
by TheGuide
Just make sure you do it earlier in the day before work/school.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:32 pm
by android574
Soo - I've tried Inhalant yesterday night once again, and as expected, too much thoughts, no effects, fell asleep everytime for like 1 minute.

Now I've tried Demerol, a lot of people said they success with this dose everytime and got really nice numbing effects that remained even for hours. And well - as you can expect it, no effects at me again. I do count backwards, and while counting, some stupid thought comes again. Even concentrating extremely on the dose doesn't help, EVERYTIME some god damn thought comes or I fall asleep for some seconds or minutes. I do everything people say: I lie down, everything is comfortable, no lights, nothing that could distract me, no different sounds and these 150$ headphones that I only bought because I thought I-Doser will work better with it (Sennheiser hd 380 pro).

Here's something like a plan on how I dose:
I do start the dose and fix the volume to a level that doesn't hurt, at me its like 40%. Then I stop the Dose to get ready. I do start it again and the first 15-20 seconds of the dose get wasted for lying down and covering the eyes just to get sure that nothing distracts me. I try to concentrate on the dose while counting backwards, mostly from 500 down. I do say every number in my mind: 499, 498, 497... for the first 10 minutes I don't get any thought, but also no effects. Then it just appears from nowhere while counting, some god damn thought. Mostly without any sense behind it, a piano guy, a friend that talks some shit to me or whatever (I'm sure THAT can't be the effects since it appears at every dose). It takes like 2 or 3 seconds until I notice that I'm not concentrating on the dose anymore, so I gotta concentrate on the dose again and not even 10 seconds later the same bullsh** starts again, mostly it ends up with falling asleep the whole dose or just some seconds / minutes. What me annoys a bit is that my heart beats are mostly louder than the Dose. It's beating extremely strong, but at a normal rate while listening to a dose, starts already from the beginning.

Something has to be wrong at what I'm doing. I even try to calm down before the dose, trying to point out that I maybe get some effects.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:48 pm
by owlmaid
Have you tried being a little less comfortable? Where are you dosing? If you're dosing in your bed where you usually sleep your body may be getting "go to sleep" messages. I'd try dosing somewhere else, or if you want to be in your bed at least lie in a different position than the one you sleep in.

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:39 pm
by Doser1803
I know that this thread is like five years ago but I am facing the same problem, and I tried every thing: counting backwards, counting my breathes, focussing on the dose and I can't focus. These are the doses I have tried:
_Content 1 time and slept through
_A bomb 3 times I didn't sleep through two of them but I had no effects. Although I got some lucid dreams after this does
_Qhhappy 1 time felt a small need to smile (I think a placebo, becouse from the first minute of the dose I had this feeling)
_Sleeping Angle 2 times and I had a good 8 hours sleep.
_French roast 2 times and I got more awake, don't know if it is becouse of the dose though
_Nitrous 2 times and as same as all the doses above if I am awake I can't focus on the dose.
Can anybody tell me how to just focus on the dose. :(

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:09 pm
by StefanoR32
Hello Doser1803,

I think you should relax and try to concentrate on the dose. When you listen to the dose it should be enough to work.

But do you fall alseep while dosing?

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:26 pm
by Doser1803
I am gonna try to do some meditation before I try nitrous one more time, I'll listen to condition dose before it, I've read that it can help get some effects from the dose. Hope finally I can have me brack through and get some effects (Fingers crossed)

Re: Falling asleep at every dose

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:35 pm
by StefanoR32
Good luck!

Probably this page and video can help you too: