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Arms rising up and moving on their own

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:07 pm
by Eleven
I started dosing last week and after a couple tries at ecstacy, I finally got the full effects of it (thanks to the "how to tips" in the forum). However, my arms rose and were waving around moving on their own with the sensation running through them. I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering if this happens to other people to? Random parts of there body move on their own? This also happened with Energize. I havent tried anything else after these (just did energize for the first time today)

Im hoping this is me getting used to the dosing and "letting go" of my nerves.

Btw, Im new. 22 year old dude... THIS SHIT ROCKS!!!

Edit: I felt so great while and after ecstacy dose. I took a shower and that was the best shower of my life :lol: I can't believe that this type of "technology" hasn't blown up and become mainstream

Re: Arms rising up and moving on their own

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:13 pm
by Tombstoner
Countless videos of Gate of Hades and Hand of God showcase similar reactions.
And you just made me want to try Ecstasy. :-)
EDIT: I also recall reading a guide somewhere that said something along the lines of "don't try and resist involuntary movement" so it's likely common with certain doses.

Re: Arms rising up and moving on their own

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:02 am
by renitz
Yep! Never happened to me because I still haven't felt anything from any dose. By the way, how many times did you have to listen to I-Dosers til you got the effect? I have listened to Marijuana x2 or x3 and 5HTP right after, then the next day right when I woke up I tried Peyote and nothing. Then at night I tried Astral and when I started to feel inpatient I just forced myself to listen to it all the way and couldn't focus anymore so after about 10 or 15 minutes, the sound was fading and when I paused the dose I noticed I had just finished listening to Beta (so I'm sure I listened to both Astral and Beta without knowing) then I listened to Heroin and I still haven't experienced anything! But yeah, sorry for sharing this, I'm just frustrated it won't work for me... well, hopefully it will. I will keep trying. And YES, it's totally normal to have your arms lifted up in the air and moving weirdly.. I have seen people act like this on I-Doser experience youtube videos and couldn't really guess whether it was a real reaction or they were just faking it and it was creepy but now I believe it's true, thank to you. : )

Re: Arms rising up and moving on their own

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:03 am
by renitz
thanks to you*