Ganzfeld Mask

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Ganzfeld Mask

Post by Eleven »

Before I found out about iDoser, I used to use the "Ganzfeld Effect" which is basically listening to white noise with this homemade mask (half cut ping pong balls). You put half a ping pong ball on each eye and strap it to your head so they don't move. You're also supposed to lay under a red light (red light bulb in a lamp will do) and after a while you're supposed to see things because you totally block out your sense of hearing and seeing.

The difference between using this mask and just putting a pillow over your eyes is that obviously, your images will be a lot more clearer (when dosing on LSD for example) because of the lighter background AND you won't be able to see your nose. Your eyes use your nose as a "landmark" so to say in order to keep your perception on things. When your eyes can't use your nose, you lose all perception so it basically knocks out your sight sense as well.

I think using this mask which only costs like $5.00 at MOST to make would be an awesome addition to dosing experiences.
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Re: Ganzfeld Mask

Post by Tombstoner »

I'm surprised something like this was never mentioned on here. I can certainly see this being used as an add-on for the trip doses. I don't see any huge improvement over just putting something else there when there's no lighting, however, but I've yet to try it.
Nice find.
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