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A few questions...

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:18 pm
by Fiendish
Hey there, I just have a few questions to ask. (I have read through a lot of material on this but still need some specific clarification on things.)

1) Are Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 headphones good enough for the job? I realise there are specific headphones designed for this but I'm sure you can understand me wanting to save money if these will work.

2) Do I focus on the wawawa as much as I can or count backwards from a random number? Or does it just depend on me...

3) As a beginner, should I try the really strong doses or the lighter ones? I think I've read that beginners won't be able to get anything out of the stronger ones to start off but I'm not sure...

4) Going off the previous question, I'm looking for some decent starting doses. I plan on doing Condition before most and then the dose. I was thinking maybe Opium?

Re: A few questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:41 pm
by mushystuff
I'd be glad to help out more. Many others and I have gotten effects using the white ipod buds. So as long you think your headphones are a higher quality than those you should be set. The fact that they are headphones (assuming the kind which cover your ear completely) is a pretty good indicator that they work. People are different though, so if they don't seem to be working at all after numerous attempts they might be an issue for you.
For your second question about what to do, what to focus on, what to think is pretty much up to you. By "up to you" I meen whatever helps you to clear your mind the most effectively. At a certain point, and maybe this is just with me, but you won't even realize that the "wawawa" is there anymore. I have tried the counting backwards thing and I always get lost in trying to remember what number I am on, which takes to much of ones concentration. If you can count backwards without a problem and eventually notice you have stopped counting without knowing it, that method will most likely work. Since it is a process of meditation I focus on deep breathing. See if that works for you.
Lastly, 3 and 4 go hand and hand. As I said "people are different". So just to make sure your not wasting time on stronger doses when they arn't going to work for you. Try lesser ones to just to make sure your not wasting time. the worst thing is to get up after 35 minutes of laying on your bed and realizing that you just layed there for 35 minutes listening to wawawawawawa. Weed, any of the sense doses, or any ranked "moderate" or even "strong" in the i-doser store would a good place to start.
Hope these tips help and not confuse anyone lol. :roll:

Re: A few questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:51 pm
by Fiendish
Thank you so much. I'm going to try trip a few times for now. If that doesn't work I'll have a look for a few others.

Re: A few questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:08 pm
by renitz
Thanks, this totally answered my questions too :) Good luck to us beginners that still haven't felt anything!

Re: A few questions...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:33 am
by Fiendish
I''m going to try using Yerba Mate and practice on that for a while because I know I have the real version seeing as it's free. Hopefully I'll get somewhere with this :)