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I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:30 pm
by MexicanSwagger
i've read almost all post's about people complaining they don't feel nothing with I-Doser and i've completely follow all the advices people give.
I've read every single page of the guide, and still, I can't feel a thing on ANY dose. I bought I-Doser Premium with all the dose packages, and no, I didn't just downloaded it for free on the net.
I have good quality earphones (beats, not the headphones ones tho), Ive tried just about 10 doses and I haven't felt anything on any single one of them except for the quickhappy wich made me laugh a bit at the end but nothing surprising neither stunishing.
Because of that I started trying the (VERY STRONG) doses, just like Acid, Crystal Meth & Black Sunshine without any form of succes on any of those.
Whenever I try a dose I lay in my bed and I cover my eyes with a shirt so I don't accidentaly open them, I relax my body and concentrate on the sound, but I still dont feel a thing and it's been like 3 days.
Any word of advice would be appreciated.

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:46 am
by lucidthoughts
Some people are naturally immune to the brainwaves.

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:55 am
by spiritguy
Try to dose regularly for 2-3 weeks without giving up. You might succeed if you are persistent, who knows?

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:24 pm
by Drewm1273
I recommend looking up tip's and guides on a different section on the forums and try some other peoples tips that's what helped me hope you get it working!!

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:06 pm
by RollerCoasting
Beats headphones are shit, but I would think they would work just for the ridiculous price :eek:
I would see if you can find some better overear headphones. I use a $40 pair of maxells and they work flawlessly :D

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:27 am
by Coritron
MexicanSwagger, I agree with RollerCoasting that it's probably your headphones....

I use TDK (enclosed) headphones and have had fairly good results.. I've only been dosing for a couple of weeks now but find that most of the recreational doses work just fine (some, like AMT I find a bit strong at times)

I tend to be able to enjoy the rec doses while sitting at my computer desk - and generally experience a great deal of euphoria/excitement etc depending on the particular dose I'm using.

I haven't had much luck with some of the more experimental doses like HOG though, although the first time I tried it I saw flashes of blue and clouds floating past me (eyes closed)

I don't believe it matters too much on your environment when using the rec doses as they generally don't enduce hallucinations, which may require more of a meditative state in order to work.

I hope this helps :)

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:02 pm
by Billyboy
it really depends on the person, while i just had results after getting new headphones (they weren't on the list and cheap) i have some prety good results from laying down with closed eyes and counting back. today in school i showed i-dosing to some of my frieds. while most of them had no effect while just sitting in class, another guy had heart rushing, numb feeling in his body and other stuff after 30 seconds during a lesson. so some people's brain are more open to i-doser than other but i really don't beleave you can actually be immune

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:03 am
by lynam95
Try to open your mind a bit. Just relax and let the white noise take you away and don't focus on anything. It could also be your headphones.

Re: I Don't Feel a Thing & I'm Doing It Right?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:57 am
by miling301
bottom line, for a lot of people (myself included) it takes a lot of practice and usage. Possibly for several weeks. one guy i know took him 2 months, but now describes his "trips" as amazingly as the other great ones