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Some Basic Questions

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:19 am
by Billyboy
After I saw the "1000 ways to die" episode i couldn't get the idea of getting high through music out of my brain. So I read through the Forums and some internet guides to make it work and i tried some doses. Nothing really seemed to work. I felt a lil dizzy after trying Nitrous and while ExcstasyQH. and Then ive heard about Pyote. i tried it after listening to condition maybe because it was about 1am i couldnt concentrate too much on the sound and just for 10 seconds during the whole thing everything started to shake. Im pretty sure it wasnt a placebo effect. So my questions:
Was it because im not concentrating too much on the sound?
On every Dose i tried there was another sound beside the beep, The sound which comes if the radio has no signal. was it cause i ported it to mp3 to run it on my ipod. or the headphones? i tried overeared ones from logitech and headphones that i have to put in my ear.
And do Doses work if I for eg. listen to sth like Quickhappy or french roast on the bus to school?
what are Backgrounds? Do they Effect Anything?
I really hope this stuff works and i will ever be ablo to feel the things that they write on the Dose desc.
Thx to everyone who responds

Re: Some Basic Questions

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:58 pm
by Billyboy
i bought new headphones now (Panasonic DJ 100 / 14Hz - 24KHz / Stereo). thats why I'd like to try it again tonight and I wanted to ask if you have 2-3 Doses that should work at about 90%. I Just want his to work

Re: Some Basic Questions

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:30 pm
by trippyholander
for me peyote word 100% and lsd is olso pritty nice these work the best for me but every body is diverent so if i wase you i go for peyote and make sure u ar in bed and no light a towel over your eyes and you legs and arms can not touch each other anbd wat works for me counting down form 900 or somting like that to 0 and wen jou ar like counting like 890-859-830-500-740 you are sure you ar triping and you can stop counting and just relax for the hole time i hope you have succes ;-)

---edit---use reset wen you are done with one and wanna do another

Re: Some Basic Questions

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:37 pm
by Billyboy
OMFG It finally worked!!! :D
I layed on my bad, 1st time with a shirt over my head and the new headphones and started LSD. nothing as excpected but i started counting. at about 765 i was like, damned what was under there and than BAAAAAAAAAM!!! It was like a shock, energy pulsed through my body and my body was a lil shaking and it was totally chilling (was about 15:00) but then i concentrated too much on whats happening that it stoped and i tried to concentrate again for 5 minutes but then i had to quitt cause i realized i cant concentrate on this anymore :D Well now im gaming for half an hour, then run reset and put Datura on, i hope it works too!!! Thank you and thank to idoser :mrgreen:

Re: Some Basic Questions

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:30 am
by Fiendish
I'm glad you're getting there! I'm still yet to have a breakthrough...