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Experience with Taste

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:26 am
by Olympus_Aero
After trying the NitrousQH and feeling a rush while sitting at my desk with my eyes shut and covered with the palms of my hands, I decided to try out Taste while eating something!

I had some microwave popcorn laying nearby, so I got it popping and when it was ready I sat down, turned on a visualization, listened and started to eat.

I have no idea if it was a placebo effect, but when I was eating the popcorn, the butter and salt flavors jumped out at me much stronger than they usually do and the unplesantly jagged texture of the popcorn kernal shells became more pronounced.

Has anyone else tryed to do something like this?

Re: Experience with Taste

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:06 pm
by Cpt1Eye
I haven't been trying to do anything while dosing yet, has that worked for you in other doses, or just the senses? I've pretty much just been silent meditating on my bed while dosing.

Re: Experience with Taste

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:21 pm
by Chill_Cucumber
I have yet to try doing anythign WHILE dosing in all my years of using... I think that is a lie.. the first time I did Marijuana QH was sitting at my pc, but even then I don't think I did anything...

I Always heard that you get effects during and effects after... for me the during is always similar.. numbness, etc... but with the spiritual doses I like the closed eye visuals and the body immersion so I tend to stay still.

I posted about the SENSE doses a while ago back in July nobody got back to me.. seems like they haven't been done much.

I want to remind people.. back in 2008 we had a huge discussion over placebo and stuff... the bottom line is PLACEBO IS A GOOD THING. You need some of it sometimes anyway, to get yourself into a trance state.

If your mind is lying to you, who cares and how can you really know?? If you are feeling something out of the ordinary, then I-Doser has done its job!