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My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:54 pm
by DerSchlachter
Hey Folks, first off sorry for my probably bad english, its not my first Language

So, for me i am a long time Reader, but little Tester so far, and had no luck in getting anything to work on me so far, but yesterday i had an Experience with Brain+ i'd like to share ...

Where to start? I am currenty on a extended vocational training and we have a LOT of Stuff to learn in a somewhat short period of Time, and we wrote an Exam today, so i recapped the Stuff all day/evening yesterday and got already tired, while i had the majority already done there was some additional content i wanted to take a look at too, but got already that tired so my concentration went down the drain.

This was the Point i decided to do an Dose and check if it could get me Back on Track, i was thorn between FRoast, Speed/Koke and Brain+, and found Brain+ to fit the best, addionally i never tried it so i decided to give it a go. In addition i got new and better Headphones compared to my prior Testing.

I started the Dose and continued reading some PDFs on my Computer while listening to Brain+, but i have to admint that the Sound combined with the Tiredness was too distracting to continue Study, it was already dark outside so i've Done something you are not supposed to do and breaked the Dose to turn On my Alarm Clock for the next Morning in case i fall asleep and killed the Lights, sat back in my Armchair, got my Headphones back on, turned on the Visualization Component of iDoser and watched it a little, but decided to close my Eyes short afterwards and just let come what ever comes, still in hope to continue reading freshly energized after the Dose.

Here the Fun Part began :)

First i heard/felt the pulsing Sound of the Dose like two Orbs circulating around my Brainstem, it was nice cause that way i could follow the dose without much attention to concentrate on the Beats, by just following the feeling of the circulationg Orbs, short after this i felt that some muscles in my body did relax that i didnt even knew they where still on tension, this brought me to a really calm and relaxed state ;)

After the relaxing part the Orbs where gone and i really dont know how to describe this, maybe i was on the border to a lucid dream, and i did read the Dose Description before, but i lierally felt my Brain got massaged, not with hands, not forcefully and not painful or frightening in any way, it felt like, dont know, Jelly that came to Motion by an invisible Force, but really gentle, it was in sync with my slow breathing rythm, so i thought it may have something to do with that and wanted to check it, therefore i skipped a half breath and whow, the feeling still persist, but out of sync with my breating rythm! I felt the sides of my Brain being lifted and left wobbling (really dont have a better word for this) one after another Side, first Right, then Left, Rigt, Left and so on, after a while it changed to the Front and Back of my Brain and continied to produce the warm wobbling feeling :p

Thats something i never achieved with iDoser before, the slightest change in breathing or whatnot brought me back to normal, but this massage i could really enjoy fully :)

After a while the Massage Feeling was gone and suddenly *snap* i felt to pitch black, i remeber my thought was "Whow, there are different variants of Black? Interesting :retard: " But after a while i realized the Black got interfered by some brighter Color in a 2 Seconds Pattern, i opened my Eyes to realize my Monitor menwhile got on Standby and the Power LED was blinking ^^

But i couldnt bother to turn it off so i just closed my Eyes again and finished the Dose, that was near the End anyways. But couldn't find the Power to continue Learning, so my deepest Thought i got out of this was to go to Bed to be fresh an powerful at the next Morining for the Exam, and i really felt asleep fast, normally i lay awake in my Bed when an Exam is coming and my thoughts go rampart on things i learned and turn em around to see if i missed someting, but this night i was confident i learned enough and slipped to sleep peacefully.

So, in conclusion i got some cool Things out of this Dose, first the Brain Massage itself felt really cool, then the sudden Pitchblack felt nice too, even tough not triggered through the dose, but perceived through it it was a funny experience and finally some relaxing sleep, and yeah i passed the Exam today ;)

If you dont know what to try, i can suggent try Brain+

Later All

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:17 pm
by Scooter
Really detailed experience. I'll have to try this soon. Good post

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:17 am
by wallace86442
Thank you for sharing your experience with us as I tried Brain+ and also Brain+QH for some reason the Brain+ did not work for me but as I sat in my chair closed my eyes and listened to Brain+QH I got the Orb feeling you mentioned as if two balls where circling your head flying past your ears at the speed of sound. :eek: And it was pretty crazy and also I just had my eyes closed during the day and as Brain+QH progressed everything started to get darker like pitch black as you described. I'm not sure how it effected me but The part I can't explain is that after it was done playing I took my headphones off and the fan in my room sounded like it was under water blowing bubbles :shock: for about 10 minutes then it slowly wore off.

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:02 am
by Darklon
wallace86442 wrote:The part I can't explain is that after it was done playing I took my headphones off and the fan in my room sounded like it was under water blowing bubbles :shock: for about 10 minutes then it slowly wore off.
I get that too but after just about every dose I dose

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:09 pm
by MusicEcstasy93
I felt the same as you did! My brain was literally belly dancing lol :lol: After the dose I felt really really awkward, just like I've been shaken to come around from passing out :shock:
Have you experienced that as well?

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:50 am
by Chill_Cucumber
Been a few months since I posted here... but this thread stood out the most..

very awesome and highly detailed review of the dose my friend, I have to try this as in fact the last time I used I-Doser I loaded Brain+ and Ginko into my tray but did not do them!

Good to know it does work effectively, did you happen to try Condition prior to it? or at all ever?

Re: My Experience with Brain+

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:32 am
by omgthatstim
I like Taurine and Adrenaline because I can do stuff while listening to them and still get desired effects.