Don't worry, that was just your first time getting extremely baked...
I myself am a daily marijuana smoker, and just reading your story makes me miss the days when i first started to smoke pot.
My older brother used to come up to my room every now and again and ask the great question "Wanna smoke?" I would always say yes and wed go down, smoke a few bowls or a joint or if i was really lucky we'd hit his awesome bong.
I had a few bad experiences when i was a beginner, i would have panic attacks because i felt that i couldn't breathe and the entire high would be focused on me thinking i was going to die...because it seriously felt like there was a wall in my throat and it took so much effort just to get a tiny amount of air through there.
My first time getting high though....OH MY LORD is all i can say about that experience.
Let me start off by saying it was an accident, and i didnt know that i was going to get high.
I was 13 years old, on my computer in my mothers room (who was on vacation in hawaii at the time THANK GOD) having a good time. My stepdad was watching over me for a week but all he did was sit in the living room and watch tv so i was safe.
Now i went downstairs to my brothers room in search of the phone. (he was 19 at the time and lived in an apartment which was the basement of my house) When i got down there he went outside to smoke a ciggarret i think..he was having friends over and he just made a delicious batch of brownies.
I hope you can understand where this is now leading. i found the phone lying right on the table where the brownies were and i thought, why not take a few? hes not looking.
So i took about 4 i memories a little fuzzy since that was two years ago and i got beyond fucked up that night.
So i go on up back to the computer, put the brownies on a little plate and start eating one...i think i finished through them pretty quickly and was satisfied since they tasted really good. Lets skip to about 20 minutes later (I THINK)
BOOM, like a bullet something insane started happening. Honestly i thought i had gained superpowers because i was unaware that i was under the influence of the great chronic. i felt seriously like i was entering a time warp and that i could travel anywhere in my mind, and i was just having flashbacks of when i was a little kid...but it was like i was watching it right in front of me. at this point i couldnt see anything around me just this tube which was a baby blue color. once that ended i seriously got even more fucked up.
i was completely in another world even though i was awake just staring at my computer screen. i leaned back and my vision just started going black was really fucking weird i was just slowly going blind and when it got completely black all i saw was like those machines where you see someones heartbeat and its like this line going up and down and shit like that, i saw that just colored like red and yellow...very vividly saw these colors, so basically i ate too many brownies and was now having visual hallucinations. so i got scared and went to sleep, it felt like a billion pounds on top of me and i just went under.
Ever since then i have not had any VISUAL hallucinations. But around a week ago i smoked some reallly good dope with my sister right before i went to bed, and i just got really really freaked out because for the first time i was having auditory hallucinations. These freak me out more than visuals, because you KNOW that they arent there, but they sound like they are actually happening...
I was laying in my bed and it sounded SO MUCH like there were things inside my house banging on the inside making so much fucking noise...
like somebody was using a hammer every 10 seconds and it was so loud in my mind, i kept opening my door to see what it was, and it was still making that noise, but nothing was there. just pitch black darkness.
also my bed was vibrating like a WHOLE LOT. it was actually making my body shake, that was cool but the sounds were annoying me.
but thats all im going to say for now, i have a bunch of other really cool experiences....but that would take wayyyyy too long for me to tell haha
thanks for reading i guess