First Time [GENESIS]

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First Time [GENESIS]

Post by pjott »

I-Doser wrote:The universe was created with a bang, and we offer you Genesis so you can feel that explosion deep inside. At the start it will feel like a little spark, you will have to concentrate to feel it, like a tiny match burning deep in your soul. By halfway though the dose, the spark will be a forest fire consuming everything that is dark or bad inside you. Bad feelings wash away in this incredible soul-fire. By the end of the dose, your body will be shaking under an explosion of heat, you may feel jittery, alive, awake, and shaking when the final minutes of Genesis hit you: the Big Bang of your soul. When the dose is over, you will feel new, washed away in the incredible fire. Words can not describe the complete wash of this soul bomb: Genesis.
I really don't think I have to say anything else...

I've just finished it, I feel happy, new, fresh and ready to kick some ass!
Wo-Hoo! :)
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Post by Tamren »

That's allmost how I felt after I've tried Divinorum, it made me really happy and refreshed.
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Post by JaevL »

Haha thats what i felt with 5HTP
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Post by blade1941 »

Maybe they all are the same??? Because I felt happier and more alert with Cocaine :eek:
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Post by bugmenever »

can't be all the same... i got insanely tired after i tried morphine. but i do feel alot of the same effects with a few doses. cocaine... heroin.. and crystal meth make me feel exactly the same...wich wasn't much :-( :

Post by pjott »

Some doses have made me tierd as well.
But I'm wondering wich one I should try tonight.

Any suggestions? :)
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Post by bugmenever »

tried white crosses yet? pretty cool indeed. :unibrow:

Post by pjott »

O_o? No Kiddn'! :p

No, I haven't.

But I want a dose wich make me fucked-up inside my tiny mind.
A dose that carry me through a "trip". But not the "Trip-Dose", since I've
already tried that one 8)
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Post by SAW »

yeah I would like something that makes me feel weird, and I cant tell whatss going on. Is there anything like that? (beides peyote & trip)
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Post by coolguy11 »

trying right now.
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Post by Tech-N9NE »

try A-bomb havent tried it but from the description its sounds good. marihuana is also pretty good its not comparable with normal weed and hasj
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Re: First Time [GENESIS]

Post by K1ll3r_dose »

All I remember is sitting there listening to it on my bed. Then I woke up on my living room couch. I have no clue what happened when I was "on" the dose.
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