The Official "Does It Work?" Poll

Share dose experiences

How does I-Doser work for you?

I have felt the effects almost every time.
Some doses work, some don't.
Only a select few doses have worked for me.
I have felt the effects with only one dose.
It is a complete Placebo - I never felt anything.
Total votes: 1294

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Post by Tamren »

It's been good sofar. Sometimes I get feelings, sometimes I don't.
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Post by majo88 »

I really like it..

makes me feel verrry niicce..

I'm listening to the ecstacy one right now. :D

I was wondering-

would it be better to leave a 3D audio accelerator on or off?
With it on, it bleeds noise from left into right, and vice versa.
with it off, it clears up- leaving both channels completely independent.

I feel more of an effect with the 3D accelerator ON.
Which way *should* be more effective, theoretically?

Can I get an official IDoser resonse on this one? :-o
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Post by Zom-B »

Whatever trip1 is, it doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.. just a strange ringing in my ears from that constant hum.

This is a hoax, isn't it? Be honest.
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Post by thehotghost »

i-doser works sooooo well for me. complety blows my mind! buttt different doses sorta do and dont work. and sometimes its different.. but i've gathered its sorta dependant on what your brain is like and what mood/state you're already in. but far outtt on a-bomb i lived my own death! best most weird/crazy/amazing experience i've ever had
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Post by xLAMExOx »

YES!!! It definetly works!
Many people say that this does not work or that its a joke, but there are not doing it right!

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Post by PeeR. »

Some doses work, some don't
marijuana: made me feel strange
peyote: I saw everything in a green light
out of body: my foot was going through the ground ^^
lucid dream: the first time I used this I really had a lucid dream, 2nd time not.
french roast: worked a bit, I think I wasn't sleepy enough to let it work

some other doses I've tried didn't worked.
OAR RAider
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Post by OAR RAider »

Sleeping angel works every time i use it. ive done it like 5 times and ive never been awake through the whole thing. French roast worked i didnt blink for like 2 minutes and i was up and ready to go. white crosses made me fall asleep. peyote wasnt working for me but i was just sitting at the computer. i fell asleep using extacy. i think im gonna try the same dose a couple times and report back
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Post by deoxide »

some work, some don't
its the mood your already in i guess,
but if it doesnt work at once, please do try it again!
i had it with mariuana, first 2 times i tryed i felt nothing,
now, they work just fine, (and its really good against headace!!)
so if one doesnt work, give it another chance, or try another one later.
if it may be that idoser is a placebo.....I would still love it....
idoser is really great!
thanks for this!
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Post by deoxide »

with me it works as i explained in the post before,
all the guys in my class saw i doser on a show on television, and now there after my doses, and want the cd!
i keep telling them to buy doses and the cd themselves, so they can use it, so i hope they will....
im not really making friends because i wont hand out MY doses
they will have to buy them on the site by themselfs....
and thats right aint it!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Blue_Crayon »

im going to say no...

it works every once in a while....but im supposed to sit there for 45 minutes having no thoughts???? If i think it ruins everything?? Im pretty sure the only way you can go 45 minutes without any thoughts is if you are brain dead....

it probably works because every once in a while i feel effects.....but 75% of the time it doesnt work for me.....
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Post by diggler »

Never underestimate the power of harmonics. Its a known fact that this force has knocked down large bridges....and I've already experienced a similar effect with my first few doses. Be interesting to see how this science evolves further.
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Post by tko2 »

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Post by mistert34 »

I Really hope it im not imune... I have tried tons of doses, though all of them just make me sleepy. I listen to them all the way through, good volume setting, no destractions, quite area, dim lit, comfortable, concintrated on the sound. i want to feel the effects but there just not there. guess i could keep trying.

Marijuana-3 doses - Just Makes Me Tired
Peyote-3 doses - Made Me A Little Scared
Trip-3 doses - I Think It Made Me Talkitive
A-Bomb-2 Doses - I Was Told If This One Didnt Work, Im Hopless
French Roast-1 Dose - Noticed Nothing Differant
Cocain-1 Dose - Made Me Laugh A Little I Guess
Quick Happy- 1 Dose - Didnt Notice A Differance
Lucid Dream-1 Dose - Only One That Worked, I Rememberd 4 Dreams

So with that much time and money spent, its thumbs down for me
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Post by nwa »

thumbs up for me im doing nitrous right now a week speak and i feel blurry and good

"mistert34 - So with that much time and money spent, its thumbs down for me"

you should try dexies i heard that was stronger then A-Bomb

and the You Choose dose i heard was good
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Post by 92B »

Anybody that thinks this is real, and that soundwaves are going to produce effects that drugs do through actual physical chemical reactions is a fool. Anyone that pays for it is a bigger fool.
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