Hold Old Are You Guys???

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BaBoOn 101
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Post by BaBoOn 101 »


Some friend told me about this and I thought it was placebo at best. I was wrong. The first time I tried the sample alcohol I had blurred vision and dizziness. I haven't bought any yet at the store, but I think I will.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

I'm 15...

omg!! :eek:

are we having fun yet??
I see this as a breeding ground for arguments...
"I'm 19"
"no your not, you act like your 8 lololololz"
"haha, you act like your 2"
"ya well FUX U"
"well I'm gonna go make some c00! 8oom8$ now!!"
on and on...
do I need to seperate people :lol:
anyways, I stoped reading after page 2, maybe people have stopped by now.
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Post by konajinx »

I know I did...especially when the teens here are trying to convince us they're incredibly mature for their age. How many times have I heard that one? Christ, I think I even used that bullshit line myself at that age.
Big Butcha
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Post by Big Butcha »

I'm 13, 14 in 2 months.

Just see, I'll act older, since I'm not like everyone at school. I don't have a religion (Wait, that's not school), I don't get into trends or peer pressure, and I'm just a down to earth calm stoner. lol
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Post by Dazino »

I am 16.
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Post by uber_trav »

I'm 15..
"Hold old are you"
... lol.
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Post by curtis »

I am 15 as well. I don't really consider myself immature but I don't consider myself mature either. :? Anyway, a friend told me about this and when I got my 2 free doses, they both worked so I have been enjoying them ever since. :-)
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Post by Ness »

I'm 18.
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Post by SteveBear »

20... man there's a lot of cool kids on here. i wish i had known such intelligent people when i was in high school.
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Post by Rocker666 »

17 baby 8)
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Post by PsYkO_KiLLa90 »

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Post by mangakid_19 »

[quote="Vincspenc"]13 :-( . I hate it when *mature* *adults* say they want their part of the internet. Next thing is you'll be thinking up a plot on how to get us off all the computers and internet :? . Anyway don't forget there are some maturer young folks out there. Some people on forums thought I was like 25 or sumfin so yeah people can't exactly call me the inmaturest person.[/quote]

This has already been done. Some kids are allowed half an hour on the internet, one hour of the computer and one hour of TV. That goes back to my yuppie saying about I-Doser becoming illegal. (Like in Desperate Housewives, the perfect example.) I am sixteen and I *HATE* it when adults say that teenagers arent adults. They should be given freedom if they are smart enough to choose the right decisions.
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Post by sharperguy »

giveaname wrote:if you are 18 you ARE NOT in the "older group" so don't say you are, you can't LEGALLY drink so you don't have all your rights yet.
You can where I come from. Just remember that the whole world doesn't consist of America :P

Anyways, I think most people on here would be quite mature because immature people would probably take one look at i-doser and think "what a load of crap", or "yes! I can do bad stuff without getting in trouble" and then either forget about or try it over enthusiastically and fail.
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Post by Racoon »

15, i've never done drugs besides i-doser
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Post by nodnarb232001 »

20, 21 next month. Yay.
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