OMFG! I'm not scared any more

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OMFG! I'm not scared any more

Post by wouter »

First I was scared for a Hallucinogenic dose (sorry for the bad english)
I-doser is just having mild effects on me, but I'm still trying to let a dose work, I only tried prescripion and Recreational doses, but never a Hallucinogenic dose becouse I was scared (just a I said).
But than I went on vacantion for a week and couldn't use I-doser to learn to get a stronger effect of i-doser :( I really wanted to try a Hallucinogenic dose but I couldn't becouse I didn't had a PC. than a miracle happned, I woke up in the morning and I was very tired, I saw people walking trough my room (Very VERY clearly) that waren't ordenary people they ware my friends! they were talking to eachother, it was like that they where in my room for real, IT WAS CRAZY, but it wasn't scary at all, it was just awsome.

I think that I wasn't scared becouse I knew nothing can happen to me.

I always search for a sientific explanation if something weird happens,

this is what I came up with
-micro-earthquake:you cant feel this earthquake but it can couse electromachnetic fluctuations that mess up your brain, this give often a REALLY BAD trip, such as seeing ghosts.

-REM-sleap:my body was still sleaping but my mind was awake.
this wil make you feel that you are floating in mid air, it will also feel like a 200 pound brick il laying on you chest and it wil make you hallucinate,
this wil also often give a BAD trip.

so you should just think WTF deamons dont exist and all I see is made up by my mind :D

IF I have made a terrible mistake in the language just tell it and I will try to fix it. :cool:
Level 2 (20-29)
Level 2 (20-29)
Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:57 pm

Post by Tichon »

O.o omg dude....
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