My First Trip: The Good and the Bad

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My First Trip: The Good and the Bad

Post by EatMoreMushrooms »

No one ever posts in the "visionary Mushrooms" topic so I thought I would post my fist experience with a psychedelic drug to try to get more posts.

Me and my friend (we will call him A) have been wanting to try some psychedelics for a while and we eventually got a hold of a dub of hydroponic shrooms each. Thats a $30 sack for 4Grams. We needed a place to go and trip so we thought we would goto our friend J's. We chose a bad place to go as they NEVER clean their apartment and filth and trash just fill the room. No real smell except of weed smoke which I find pleasant :-D .

Its about 7:00PM and Me and A are just sitting this dock thats like a cazibo extending over the water. we are here because J doesnt get of work until later and his girlfriend Ju wasnt home yet either. so basically we were locked out of the apartment. As we sit on the dock I decide to eat my dub of shrooms with about 4 oranges to help break down the psilicibin as I heard this helps. Besides oranges are my favorite :P . Its already dark outside at this time and now im just waiting for them to kick in. it was about and hour before they started to work and I just couldnt believe it. The shrooms started softly so I just started to see the mesh metal fence start to move (melt?) and saw the clouds in the night sky in geometric patterns. I told my friend 'hey I think im tripping'. We decided to walk around and eventually decide to go inside the apartment. Outside of his door there was a small trail of ants on a piller (in reality). I saw them as tons of ants that somehow got on my hands and started crawling up. I knew I was tripping so no fear here XD. We got the keys to get inside from J during the hour that I was waiting for the shrooms to kick in.

We went inside and I decided to sit on the couch. and I was NOT ready for the 'heavy dose' experience as my first time. I realized this soon after I sat down. Everything AT ONCE changed colours. The assorted vaporizers and bongs around me started to become more active and colorful. Everything seemed stretched and distorted. My voice sounded really deep one moment then squicky the next.

What I saw during the trip is unexplainable. everything was paradoxical and seemed to go on forever. I seemed to have mapped my entire conscious mind within my head for all my 5 senses. I would look down at my hand and notice I count only 4 fingers! I only felt 4 fingers! my nerves in my hand would come together in my brain to make it appear to only be 4 fingers (by the sense of touch). If you REALLY want more of a description on what tripping balls is like you should just trip yourself, I cannot even begin to explain everything I experienced and compile it into paragraph form.

It was now when my trip started to go downhill. J came back from work and my friend told him I was tripping nuts. I was in my own world looking and experiencing everything in the room. But soon afterward 2 people walked in. they were apparently friends of J and Ju but I didnt know who they were. They too soon found out I was tripping and thought it would be entertainment for them so hey provoked me. Perhaps not provoked but they intentionally initiated conversation to get funny answers or something. they started asking me easy questions like whats my name and where im from and school ect. They asked them in interrogation form. I felt scared because I didnt know who they were and minor fetures kept changing in them and I couldnt tell if they were someone I shouldn't let know im tripping (I contemplated cops but knew they couldnt be with all the paraphernalia around). still them spitting questions out at me really fast and my altered state of mind couldnt answer them that fast I began to have a panic attack. At the time I didnt know it was a panic attack it just kinda happened. I started to breath FAST. I felt so weird on the shrooms that I got to the conclusion that if I stopped thinking about breathing that I would stop breathing. The paradoxical part of the shrooms made me feel that if I sat on the couch, floor, touch the table or wall or anything that I would get sucked into the continuousness of that object. basically that if I sat on the couch that the couch would open up (the actual seat cushion) and that I would go in and never come back. I was in a full blown bad trip. I started questioning if I was going to die. I couldnt look at anyone my focus wouldn't let me. I kept an eye out for a 'safe-t-safe' as a guy on comedy central calls it. NOTHING. Nothing was safe. I decided that I had one choice, to fall asleep so I layed down comfortably with a pillow and closed my eyes and watched the CEVs. The girl that came in sad 'you aren't going to goto sleep' but I didnt listen as this helped my breathing get back to normal. After a bit my friend A realized I was in a bad trip and he helped me get out of it. he told the 2 to stop asking me questions and J put on some Pink Floyd.

It was at this moment I decided tog get up. everything got better and we all just sat and talked for a bit. funfun. The 2 people that came in that induced my bad trip left to go to applebees and it was then just me, A, J, and Ju. Somehow Ju came home and I didnt notice. It was now that I stopped hating the 'feeling hallucinations' and started to enjoy them. They freaked me out at first but now I realized how cool they are. I had an absinthe bottle in my hands and I would watch the blue liquid (soon to be yellow then red ect) and feeling the bottle. it would feel ice cold then t would feel like I had rubber in my hands then it would feel slimy. ever different kind of texture. I was experiencing the bottle. I moved to feeling the couch (dont ask :P ) and I watched my hand become part of the couch! the nerve endings in my hand went numb-like. Not numb but a whole new experience altogether. and I told my friends this. I told them this as the rest of my body started to do this. I told them 'hey' 'hey' 'hey' they all looked at me and said 'what?'. 'I am the couch'. they questioned what I said and I said it again. 'im the couch!'. I was one with the couch as if my soul was a part of it. They laughed but I seriously was the couch, they didnt understand.

A bong got passed around so I decided to hit it a few times. it seemed that I didnt feel any effects but I felt that it relaxed my soul in some unexplainable way. J put on some Daft punk 'one more time' music video on his computer monitor and turned out the lights. I remember there being lights everywhere but now I doubted that I hallucinated lights but who knows right? Everyone on the music video was colorful like crazy as you would see as those trippy photos on google. it was very cool. a beer with a blue light clip on was passed to me. I tasted it and it did NOT taste like beer! I tasted it after my trip for comparison and still what I tasted surprised me. I could actually see the flavors in my mouth as a colorful euphoria of intense flavour. nothing that words could even begin to describe. I thought I had all 5 of my senses mapped but I was wrong about taste and smell.

we just chilled for a bit (a long time actually due to time dilation) but the rest of my experience was more personal and uneventful for the readers of this experience. soon after we decided to goto the docks for the remainder of the comedown of my trip. my friend A just ate half his dub of shrooms in fear of having a bad trip like me. he sold the other half to Ju who isnt supposed to take psychedelics because of depression. WTF?! By the way my friend never even got to the colours stage.... that sucks....The 2 people that induced my bad trip came back from applebees. J ended up scaring Ju as a joke but J never tipped before and doesnt know the intense fear that follows. but she was also a person who isnt supposed to take psychedelics and this itself added onto her screaming a scream of sheer bloody murder on the dock. We had to get off the dock RIGHT THEN for someone was surely going to call the cops.

They all went back into the apartment and J, A and I decided to go for a car ride. J was completely sober by now and A was starting his trip so J drove. I was still feeling my 'feeling hallucinations' so I just sat back and felt my hands morph into one while the final effects of the shrooms left. A had a minor trip as I think he gave most of the shrooms away to Ju and some to that other girl. Overall that was a night to remember! I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. This experience as changed me for the better as im now a better person. hope ya liked my story :D

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Post by subway »

Thats fucking awsome man! Omg. I need to try shrooms. Wow this will really help me understand what its like.

thx man nice story.
Last edited by subway on Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DustinD123 »

I tried shrooms today and it did nothing :/
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Post by danodukebb »

I've done shrooms a few times now, and there okay i guess, had bad trips most of the time on them...but acid...thats where its at :-D
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Post by UnknownFear »

Thats amazing! I have never actually tried shrooms, or marijuana.. to be perfectly honest, I havn't tried anything. I would, some day, like to try MJ, personally because it is nature made and not some factor made crap. Just to try it, you know? See what it's like. I'm sure it's not a bad thing to want to try MJ.
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Post by Geebus1234 »

Hell no, MJ is basically the safest drug i can think of, you cant overdose on it at all, too much either makes you puke or makes you fall asleep :P everyone has to try mj at least once in their life, if only world leaders would roll up a fat joint before going into meetings with eachother then the world would be a much more peaceful place.
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Post by UnknownFear »

Geebus1234 wrote:Hell no, MJ is basically the safest drug i can think of, you cant overdose on it at all, too much either makes you puke or makes you fall asleep :P
Ya. I just don't have any idea how I'm gonna try it. Probably in college or something. Only 2 more years:P
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Post by mikeadelic »

woa man, you got ripped of like a git
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Post by EatMoreMushrooms »

mikeadelic wrote:woa man, you got ripped of like a git
me? how so?
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Post by swishahouse512 »

Geebus1234 wrote:Hell no, MJ is basically the safest drug i can think of, you cant overdose on it at all, too much either makes you puke or makes you fall asleep :P everyone has to try mj at least once in their life, if only world leaders would roll up a fat joint before going into meetings with eachother then the world would be a much more peaceful place.
You are talking about drugs here, none of the drugs are good for you, they just make you think it is good
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Post by subway »

Who is they? Be more specific. Because i will come from the otherside of the argument on this.
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Post by kr3wskater »

12 year olds entertain me :lol:

But about the trip- that sounds pretty good, but ya man - panic attacks suck big time. It's a good thing you learned something from the trip though.
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Post by Supershot »

Man i thought weed made me think differently....holy! Yup you convinced me, i have GOT to try shrooms!
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Post by Stumblethenrise »

Weed doesn't make you think differently.... you just... dont think about what you're just think.... i know its not making any sens, but stoned it does!

And yes, on shrooms... you see the world from another point of view... hehe. Awesome
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Post by Supershot »

Ive smoked it for awhile, for me it makes me think differently :P

Ive been trying to get my hands on some shrooms for awhile tho :-(
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