Lucid dream

Be aware in dreams
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Lucid dream

Post by subway »

I started the dream in a non lucid state. I was lying in my bed at 2:30 in the morning right after i had a pretty big conversation with a good freind of mine by phone.

We were discussing religion, and the ever popular debate about God, heaven, if its real, if it isnt.

In this convo i had been influenced by several key points my friend made and i was on the verge of considering his theory.

His theory was a anti-god theory although he kept an open mind. I was more on the catholic side.

It was interesting, the convo that night, and how what he said kind of stuck with me in the back of my mind. It was like i had already begun moving away from religion.

As i layed down, i started to think about it, and other things, and my point of view.

I soon enough fell asleep, and started dreaming really random dreams, a series of them untill i was met with one dream. This dream i realized i was dreaming.

I was sitting in third period of school, right before lunch. It was chemestry.
In the middle of class, everyone seemed almost perfectly normal, besides a few people that were not actually in that class. I immediatly started at my lucidness.

Instead of wandering around in my dream trying to fly, i forsome reason had a passion to find answers to my debate.

I started by asking random people in my dream, their opinions. And I found that they reallly really really influenced my opinion. What they said was soo shocking to me. There were ideas that i had not ever considered.

From here i was totally facing subjects of my deep consciousness. Every person in my dream was one from my consciousness and acted in a way that my mind would think that they would.

After asking a few questions out loud in the middle of class, my teacher told me to sit down, or she would add to my detention which i somehow had already aquired. I stood up and told her that i was in a lucid dream, and i needed to leave. She told me to sit down or else. and i got up and walked up to her desk, and took her tootsie roll jar and threw her candy to everyone in thte class, and as she got up to come after me, i took a big breath and jumped over her. I watched as everyone started aweing at my ability to jump so high.

My teacher was totally pissed at this point and called for the campus security and AP people to capture me and punish me. As i ran out of the classroom i looked at the door and saw campus police riding towards building 28, which i was currently in. As they pulled up and started walking after me, i ran at them and tried to super jump again, and unfortunatly i hit my head on the cieling and fell on my face.

From here the guy grabbed me and started to hand cuff me. I was pissed at this point and knew that i needed to ask a certain question from a certain, and if i didnt get too, i would be disappointed. So i broke the hand cuffs and the big black guy flipped out. He yelled on his radio "subject is under the influence of PCP!" I laughed at this and kicked open the door and started towards the middle of the court yard.

As i started towards the court yard i noticed that half of the school was currently at lunch. There were people everywhere. I quickly found a good friend of mine and started to ask him a questions about the religion debate. He was really confused and asked why police were looking for me.

At this point the assistant principle came on the loud speaker and announced that the school was in "lock down". and told everyone to get in to a classroom, turn off the lights, lock the door, and take cover.

I quickly ran up to this group of kids that i knew and they said "dude what is going on?" i replied "ehh some dude is on pcp, and he is on the loose." they started laughing and then a cop jumped around the corner and said "Put ur hands on ur head and get on the ground"

from here my freinds were freaking out. along with this girl i dont no very well. She was screaming "its not him" and the cop started yelling "im giving you to the count of 5"

People started to crowd around everywhere, and i began to take notice of the attention.


from here i pulled some matrix shit, and grabbed a binder from a student near by and threw it at the cops tazer knocking the tazer out of his hands. He soon after reached for his gun, and i started booking it. From here instinct took over, and all i couuld think of is to run. All i can really remember was running as fast as i could to the point where i decided that i maybe wasnt dreaming.

As i was pushing my way through a crowd of people, i rememberd that i could maybe fly. So i did. I jumped and started gaining altitude. Everyone was amazed. as i started to fly towards home, i watched a great number of cop cars pouring in to the parking lots, and i just smiled.

from here i was planning on flying down to fuck with the cops somemore and gain attention, but my cell phone woke me up.

It was a really cool dream, and i wish i hadnt been soo determined or i would have fucked with so much stuff.

whateves good time.
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Post by kr3wskater »

sounds sick man, LDing is sooo much fun. Definitely try to get some more answers, they can reveal your true inner beliefs that you may not even know of yet (unlock the hidden treasures of your unconscious mind).
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Post by N1c3 »

Awesome LD man!
Too bad you weren't able to really get any answers though... but maybe thats a sign?
Maybe its a sign that you aren't supposed to know the answers? Or that nobody has the answers? :roll:
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Post by subway »

haha yea . the unconscouis mind is amazing. Yea i will start practicing to get lucid dreams more often.

And yea too bad i couldnt get a real answer.
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Post by Nets »

I am really fascinated by this subject. I am going to try to do it today, and look at the palm of my hand a lot today.

Post by Ugel »

@people new to LD
have fun waking up in sleep paralysis with HI's, i am sure you will shit yourself
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Post by Bloo »

Ugel wrote:@people new to LD
have fun waking up in sleep paralysis with HI's, i am sure you will shit yourself
LOL. Exactly....!! there NOT FUN I got those just from READING about this shit. never mind practicing. fucking scary man... i still get sleep paralysis.... the odd lucid dream... wish i never even knew lucid dreaming existed now... -_-
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