MY first LD, without the use of Idoser!

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MY first LD, without the use of Idoser!

Post by Clowd »

Last night i had my first lucid dream, and i wasnt using idoser!

So bassically what had happened for it to become lucid, is in my dream I had seen a face, this face was something similar. i couldnt quite pin it. But then it morphed into a clown, thats when i knew i was dreaming, and i thought just that "im dreaming" i though to myself. The second i had that though the whole world rushed past my eyes, I landed in a white room where i stood for a few moments, I then decided it was too scary there, and i willed my self to be in my room. However, it was like i was just lying in my bed, eyes open. unable to move. Things started to appear, and the room changed shape a bit, but i willed them to go away. The last part of my dream that i can remember is telling my self "ok, at 10 o clock, you will remember this dream"

Now heres the weird part. When i was out taking my dog for an early morning walk, i had happened to check my watch. It said 9:58, i keep walking and in about 2-3 minutes, the whole dream just rushed into my mind.

So now i ask you, perhaps. In a lucid dream, instead of controlling yourself, your more like a hypnotist to yourself. You can suggest things or ideas to yourself, and you will believe them, or create them.

Im thinking of trying this with I-doser's lucid dream dose.
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Post by 420kid »

i dont know a whole lot bout lucid dreaming because i cant seem to do it. but i do know hypnotism is great and from what u describes it does seem to be that lucid dreams are a deeper/sleepier version of hypnotism. in my self hypnotisms i do stuff like help myself do better at sports, get rid of anxiety, quit bad habbits. i cant wait til i get lucid dreaming down next.
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Post by Enthralled »

I think Lucid Dreaming is the greatest unharmful thing that hit earth, besides Jesus that is....You can do so many things in them. try this mate: go online and look at pictures of earths cities for about 30 minutes. Then look at pictures of the universe for about an hour. Look at nebulaes and neighboring galaxies. Trust me, this is really neat if you have good memory. The next time you have a lucid dream do this. Walk on earth and to the cities that you looked at and have fun. Be creative in where you go. Then when that gets boring fly off into the endless universe. If you look at pictures before you go to sleep it can make the dream more real when you recal them. as opposed to your brain making up random scenes of the universe that you brain thinks what the universe looks like. Thats if you want to, if you want your brain to make up random scenes then by-all-means do so! I did this a few times and enjoyed everysingle time. One time i flew through the universe to a galaxy called Time and every single planet was a different section of time. And in that galaxy were planets that have been discovered, planets that havent been discovered and planets that are currently inhabited. The planets that have beeen discovered but not inhabited represents 'The Past'. The planets that have been discovered and are inhabited represents 'The Present' and the planets that hasnt been discovered but are known to be there represents 'The Future' . I went to all of the planets except the ones that havent been discovered because when i went to acquire the planets that havent been discoverd, i woke up. Its like i didnt want to know what was in the future....hmmm...weird... but all in all, Lucid Dreaming is just a great thing to do when you are tired and bored :-D
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Post by jthm_guitarist »

Last edited by jthm_guitarist on Sat May 20, 2017 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Enthralled »

who the fuck deleted my last reply
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Post by Shrimpo »

Nice, LD there. I can seem to enduce the chemicals that keep you from acting the things you dream about in real life but, the weird thing is that i never fall asleep. I'm still conscious and them i notice i can't move, doesn't seem like a LD but is pretty close to it. HEHE
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

You suffered from a bit of sleep parylizis (spelling?). When it materialized back to your room from the white room, you said you couldnt move right? Well that's what sleep parylizis is, you cannot move a muscle because you are on the border of dreamstate and awake-state. The reason you jumped into a hallucination is cos you tried to dream again, im surprised you didnt have an OBE, that would have been interesting!!
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