One hell of a ride...

When the mind leaves body
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One hell of a ride...

Post by UltimaWarrior »

Okay, I am confused between OBE and AP but im assuming this is AP...last night i was meditating on my bedroom floor. I usually do this because it calms me and helps to get me to sleep (i have horrible insomnia problems). I remembering it being dead quiet and i could feel soft vibrations buzzing my head. I was in the darkness of my eyes shut but something made me reach out in the darkness. I could see my hand infront of me, reaching for some light. I said to my self, "I'm dreaming" thinking it's gonna become an LD. But it was more than that. I imagined my room around me, and i was there, in a flick of the eye. Then i freaked. Because there, sitting in a meditation position, was myself. I remember myself trying to call out to myself, but my voice was a series of robotic clicks. I ran out my room and downstairs to my mother. She ignored me completely!! Then out of the blue, i saw these mist-like creatures walking around, going through walls, making robotic clicking noises. These series of clicks i seemed to understand like another language, one of them was saying something along the lines of: "We have a visitor!!" They all crowded around me at this. They kept asking me questions about how i died and stuff. How i died? What. The. F*CK?!?
I freaked out at this!! Proper freaked!! Then i felt a pull, like i was attatched to a piece of thread. It pulled me through the ceiling and to my room where i merged with my body again. I flew open my eyes, i was breathing fast. I quickly went to bed, it was no use, i had no sleep at all...
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Post by kr3wskater »

I suffer from insomnia sometimes (it's gotten much better) and it REALLY sucks. Just trying to go to sleep for 3 or 4 hours blows man. I didn't wanna take medication because of all the side effects, so I got this stuff called Insomnia Relief from the local homeopathic shop and it's made by Homeolab. The stuff is amazing, within an hour or two after taking I'm either asleep on my bed or trying extremely hard to fight the exhaustion and stay awake (if I need to do work or something after I take it), and it's only $5.50 for a thing full of 80 pellets.

And wow, you seem to have some scary experiences when it comes to astral projection, you should try getting into an LD and finding a dark place (basement of a parking garage), it is said these places are like the "basement of your mind", aka the depths of your subconscious, once there try to search out some potential threats/problems - they will be symbolic, or even literal, of bad things that you may not realize. It can be scary at times, but just remember you're in a dream and nothing can hurt you in it.
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

Well I tried again last night. I seemed to find this "Spiritual world" alot quicker. When i got there it felt different than before, it wasnt creepy at all, kinda dreamlike but alot more realistic. I tried jumping into the sky but i couldnt jump!! I couldnt at all! My "feet" were firmly on the ground. I tried to wake my real body up but it was no use. Thought i'd try it. Then the spirit things came again only the mist was more clearer and they had outlines of human beings. I stood there for ages watching them rush around through walls and stuff. They still made clicking noises but it was hard to understand it. I walked into my bathroom and i had no reflection what so ever. Neither did the spirits. I was beginning to think i had some connection to it. I was very skeptical up to this point. I tried to slide my hand into the wall. It felt like sand and i could easilly just walk through. So i did. Into my parents room. I spent the whole night last night in this "dimension". I'm quite tired now and ave forgotten most of the details of what happened. I know at one point i tried to play a trick on my friend but i couldnt be seen, heard or touched. What does all this mean? Is it just some dream or is it real? It seemed very real at the time...
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Post by CHimasterwang »

I think this stuff about spiritual realm, astral plain, etc from meditating may just be people being in a lucid dream =P
Since you can go from real world into a dream state on purpose and stay concious using WILD =P

My friend attempted WILD and kept almost making a bridge appear or something, so if you were lucid maybe you could make a world form around you =P

Maybe if people say its an astral realm or that you are actually out of your body in the real world it would make it more likely to be like that in a lucid dream if you thought thats what was happening XD

Maybe not XP
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Post by divinorum »

This all sounds vaugley familiar to the meditative practices done by Bhuddists for centuries. They believe there are other planes that one may reach through meditation including a purely spiritual world. Perhaps there is something to this since it has been around for so long, but just has different names.
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

I tried it again this morning when everyone was asleep. It was alot harder to reach this state this time. I tried to fly again, and it worked, to some degree. I sortof, instead of flying, had moonjump. I could jump really high but i would come back down again. I tried it outside and all the misty creatures where all crowding round me lol and cheering whenever i jumped (well, making those clicking noises again but like in a cheery manner [hard to explain]). I can remember bumping my head on the moon, but at that moment i started to feel like I'm about to do a WILD!!
I pulled on my imaginary string that bound me to my real body but the string snapped and i floated upwards, and i started a Lucid Dream. I was so annoyed, it was probably cos im tired. When the Lucid dream was over i awoke on the floor with my legs crossed and remembered my AP (I completely forgot what happened in the Lucid Dream except the fact that i turned my friend into a donkey).

Maybe this shamanism is hard...
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Post by climber97 »

UltimaWarrior wrote:I tried it again this morning when everyone was asleep. It was alot harder to reach this state this time. I tried to fly again, and it worked, to some degree. I sortof, instead of flying, had moonjump. I could jump really high but i would come back down again. I tried it outside and all the misty creatures where all crowding round me lol and cheering whenever i jumped (well, making those clicking noises again but like in a cheery manner [hard to explain]). I can remember bumping my head on the moon, but at that moment i started to feel like I'm about to do a WILD!!
I pulled on my imaginary string that bound me to my real body but the string snapped and i floated upwards, and i started a Lucid Dream. I was so annoyed, it was probably cos im tired. When the Lucid dream was over i awoke on the floor with my legs crossed and remembered my AP (I completely forgot what happened in the Lucid Dream except the fact that i turned my friend into a donkey).

Maybe this shamanism is hard...
So you did Astral Projection? Was being in your spirit body the same as physical?
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