ive done many of the real drugs when i was younger, so i know what to expect when hallucinating. But when i used trip i got nothing, not even any closed eye visuals(which are the lowest part of hallucinating)
Has anyone out there got any real effects like closed eye visuals? and if you have can you give me some tips
Well if you hadn't done drugs in your past (especially hallucinogens) I'd say then there's a huge chance you won't get anything, BUT since you have and know the feeling what tends to happen is that after some time of using them your brain will "tap into" the feeling from your past and trigger a much milder version of what you may have experienced, as in - you'll probably get less vivid CEVs and possible slight OEV "breathing" or patterning.
From past BWE experience, I can tell you that if you do hallucinate, 90% of the time will be with tour eyes closed, and the other 10% (eyes open) will not be very vivid.