What is the correct amount of doses so far?

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Luke Anime
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What is the correct amount of doses so far?

Post by Luke Anime »

Does anybody know how many doses there are EXACTLY?
Ive made a collection of doses for the past good year or so and im wondering if ive got them all... would just be a cool thing to know too. "How many doses have i-doser released" :D
Luke Anime
Level 1 (10-19)
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Post by Luke Anime »


I think i-doser should have a list on they're site somewhere of all the doses they have released instead of having them in type order.. like "recreational, experimental, sleep" ec etc etc as this is the only way to see them all (in the store) and some of them are even in two catagories (ie: Acid is in both recreational and halucinagenic) This just makes it harder to search for the EXACT one you want.
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Post by ethan1134 »

Just open a word document or something and start at the top category, and list them all in alphabetical order, so if you see one twice you'll know not to put it. Then count them.
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