Found a Bunch of xanax adderall.

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Post by JAKE_G »

lol my bad, i was reading a trip report about someone who had taken IV 2C-T-7 and then had taken oral soma. heres the link.
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Post by nitroglyceridimethyltrypt »

shockingly your best bet for trippin face is probably just doing shrooms... you can pussy foot around and robo trip or take a shitload of benadryl and have a "blast" but shrooms are probably the least harmful in respect to the value of the experience. scopin erowid for great new ways of getting high is fun i guess but theres a reason the "big" drugs are big.
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Post by JAKE_G »

man yesterday was crazy..My parents left for the weekend so i started off with 2 bars. It was pretty good for a while but it was wearing out so i smoked a few bowls and was feeling pretty good, and then i just randomly took 4 shots of tequila..everything was going pretty good until my older brother came and i had to pretend that i was sober, i think he knew because he would start cracking up at every stupid thing i was saying lol
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Post by blackplague »

Soma.. it doesn't do much at all.. It does increase the effects of opiate based pain killers. Like taking around 2 350's and 2 vicodins you'll get a better buzz than without the somas.
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Post by JAKE_G »

blackplague wrote:Soma.. it doesn't do much at all.. It does increase the effects of opiate based pain killers. Like taking around 2 350's and 2 vicodins you'll get a better buzz than without the somas.
that sucks about the little effect of soma...I havn't been here in a while because i got caught taking a bar from the medicine cabinet about a week ago. Anyways the whole thing has blown over but no more Xanax for me : (
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