Is this normal?

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Is this normal?

Post by dreamer123 »

Hi there I first came along I doser from a friend. He let me try 'cocaine' So when I used it I didn't hear it all and ruined it for I didn't know that it would take too long for the dose to take in effect. However I felt a shock in my right arm and some tingles for a few seconds that's all.

SO I went home and decided to try I doser.
First I started with Anesthesia - result was no effect, however felt my foot a bit numb. I must say however that I wasn't on my bed just on a couch and relaxing. I also felt that I wanted to sleep.

Then I tried Lucid Dream - This kind of worked a bit and was great. I was sitting on a couch and still I was able to sleep quite easily and had some dreams. I kept waking up and sleeping because I wasn't concentrated enough. After it finished I ended up sleeping on my bed.

Then I tried Trip - Result was I ended up sleeping!

Then I tried A-Bomb - result was that after 10 minutes i ended up sleeping.

I don't know but is this normal to end up sleeping on the doses? I want to try LSDQH now! Appreciate any tips and suggestions.
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Post by RasmusTheRaver »

I also falll into sleep sometimes:P i think its the background noise that make relax(and sleepy:P) i hate then i fall to sleep... but try peyote if u full into sleep u get some wierd and funny dreams:D i got one where i was a raving Ninja:D kinda cool...
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Post by dreamer123 »

Ok so the next time I tried LSDQH. I did not fall asleep however no effects at all.

So after That I go for something moderate and try Opium. Dude what can I say about it - great. I still haven't got the maximum effects out of it yet, however it sort of was something that worked. I wasn't feeling my hands at one point. And felt a bit I was floating.

After 45 minutes now I still have got a great feeling about it and some sense of euphoria.

I'm going to try it again this time instead lying on my back lying down on my chest. Instead of floating I'd be flying :P Hope I don't fall asleep. I recommend opium for beginners. Great feeling.

Forgot to tell you that I actually had a funny dream on lucid dream when I tried it. I dreamt my 75 yr old neighbor suddenly turned gay and starting asking men out. I mean no offense but it was funny.
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