Tips for the new people

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Tips for the new people

Post by Master832 »

Ive noticed alot of new people in here complaining about how they have ADD and cant concentrate on the doses or cant get the effects. The effects are achieved through a combination of binaural beat effects and the placebo effect. Most people denounce the placebo effect as your imagination running wild but it's more powerfull than that. In the 1800s the british blindfolded a prisoner and told him they were going to cut his wrist, so they pricked his wrist and poured warm water down it and he died in under an hour. So dont underestimate the placebo effect. You dont need to be completely concentrating on the dose you just have to listen and think about what you're trying to achieve. I usually look for the effects while Im listening and when I feel one coming on I concentrate on it. Another tip that can help in the placebo effect is to imagine yourself actually doing the drug. Hope this helps the new people because Im getting tired of junk posts.
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Post by sirspamalot »

Agreed, but technically it's the schacter effect not the placebo effect :P.

By telling someone what to expect through the use of a label and description ,in this case the picture and dose info, they will incoporate it into their subconscious whether they like it or not. Then their subsconcious gets to work and propels the most minimal effects to great places - example - someone whos never tripped does peyote and is expecting hallucinogenic effects, or even nothing, what matters is that they have been told this is some sort of a drug product even if they dont know which dose it is, so they get the swirling behind closed eyelids that one gets every time they close their eyes for awhile, but they immediately see this as the dose working, and before they know it they blow everything out of proportion and believe that theyve had a great experience. In actuality its not the binaurals that are providing the drug effects that some claim, its the schacter effect in combination with the increased suggestibility brought about by the meditative state that binaurals will bring. And on that note i give idoser props for their marketing, as im sure they know this already. good work guys. (not being sarcastic, it's hard to tell over the internet though)
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Post by Tool33 »

Good tip. But they have a get the dose working 100% of the time thread for a reason :)
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Post by Couch »

Plecebo, or schacter or whatever plays a bigger role than most people think. The body feels only what the mind believes it is feeling. This explains why certain people don't get effects; somewhere in the back of their minds they doubt the effectiveness. These people just need to let go. Don't overthink it. Just let your brain do what it wants to.
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