A newbie's first experiences and reflection

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A newbie's first experiences and reflection

Post by Kouler »

Hey everyone

I'm new to I-Doser, so I decided to start with something familiar to see how I-Doser compares to the real thing. I went about half-way through the marijuana dose before I had to leave somewhere. At first I didnt feel much difference. But about 20 minutes after I stopped, is when it really kicked in. It was night time and I was out. My limbs started to feel heavy and the buildings and cars around me all started to look different. Wow.

So today I tried out something different. Being a busy person I looked into the quickhits and decided to give Speed QH, Acid QH and Opium QH a go.

After several attempts, the acid and opium have not affected me at all. Is this normal? Or will it take time and multiple repetitions for it to actually work?

However, I have had two great successful doses from the speed QH! My first one I thought was a placebo effect. So I had one just then and wow I am definitely awake. The only thing though is I dont seem to be getting any hallucinations... is this normal?

Any input appreciated
Last edited by Kouler on Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sirspamalot »

keep at it and effect should increase hopefully, dont expect any hallucinations tho, if you want them thats what real drugs are for.
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Post by Kouler »

Thanks for the reply

I just tried a full ecstasy dose and wow I feel just great! How long is this state going to last for?

About visual and auditory hallucinations though, I've been reading up on some peoples experiences and many seem to actually get some of these from acid and trip etc. Is this literal with eyes open or with eyes closed?

Wow this ecstasy is amazing. Any recommendations on what I should try next? Which one is best to listen to music with?

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Post by sirspamalot »

I highly doubt youll get true OEVs with any dose. i find many of the people saying they saw things combined the schacter effect (anticipating effects after reading the description and then blowing minimal effects way out of proportion) and not actually having tripped before off real drugs so they think what they are imagining is hallucination...im not downing the product at all because i know it can get you mood lifts and nice feelings, but expecting true hallucinations similar to ones that are drug-induced is a very long shot, after all, id estimate that probably more than half of those reports are from young kids who have never even seen mushrooms or lsd in real life. CEVs are very possible though, and by that i mean hypnagogic imagery. Just enjoy the doses for whatever effects you get, not the effects that they say youll get and then you should have a good time. just enjoy em, if you wanna trip buy real drugs, its simple. Tripping is tripping, if you did happen to have LSD-caliber hallucinations from the LSD dose then the potential psychological side effects are the same as LSD, which is why i hate the excuse "im trippin but theres no side effects". IF you actually were tripping then the psychological side effects would be the same because your brain is in the same altered state. Its not the drug that carries the psychological side effects, its the altered state produced by the drug. Now that im ranting i think i have a question to go ask the admin that has come to my mind. So ya, enjoy the doses, theyre fun, just dont be like "Im trippin mad bawlz doooood!" and youll have fun.
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Post by Kouler »

Ah I see.

Thanks :) I'll just keep using it, this program is awesome
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Post by Couch »

Going back to visuals, an odd effect ive noticed happens right after really extended dosing or an intense experience. Its a slight strobe effect that occurs even after doses not advertised to give visual hallucinations. I think it may just be some sort of visual from your brain's synchronization to the beats, but maybe not. Has anyone else had a similar effect?
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Post by TG1993 »

I get something like that, after a intense part of a dose i get this fading red image that comes in different shapes each time. Not sure if that's just me.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

I get OEVs all the time on AcidQH. TripQH doesn't ry, I go on some sweet closed eye adventures though.

My open eyed visuals are usuLly closed eye sequences projected into the dimly lit rooms I use, however it still does mess with the light.

Some effects:
My ceiling turned into the night sky with stars
I saw comets running across the ceiling
I saw a man coming out of my mirror
I saw a fish come out from under my bed and swallow. larger fish.

OEVs are possible, just not like on actual LSD, DMT or (on my personal experience) salvia divinorum.
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