Least addictive REAL drugs?

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Post by sammyw »

killguta07 wrote:I would suggest you the REAL LIFE drug... stop doing drugs people... there are no such thing as non-addictive drugs... you would really sacrifice your life for that moment of pleasure? Don't you get it? That's the reason it's called DRUGS... just don't do it... you can be cool without it

Ignorant much?

Please repect other peoples opinions and lifestyles. Where not telling you to DO drugs. Dont tell us NOT to do drugs. We know the risks and upsides of them.

and that 'moment' of pleasure for some can last a lifetime. Heck if it wasen't for recreational drugs i dont know how the modern person could survive (including alcohol and nicotine). Unless obcourse they have a real quiet life.
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Post by Master832 »

Recent studies have shown that Heroin has no potential for addiction, doesn't impair perception or motor skills, and feels amazing. I would suggest Heroin at the party, dont forget to share needles (not everyone brought their own you know) :D . Actually the fact that your pressured to do this at a party and youre willing to do this makes you a tool. If you want to start drugs its best to expierement by yourself or with a couple of buddies, you are ten times more likely to O.D. at a party then by yourself because you feel the need to show off and be hardcore.

As for the drug convo, I believe that drugs should remain illegal because if they were legalized they would be distributed and controlled by the government, more people would become addicted to drugs, and the government would have complete controll over the addicted.
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Post by Lyroc »

This thread is in the wrong place ANYWAY...
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Post by Cleansation »

It's funny i have never been addicted to anything (maybe internet porn), i have done shrooms, acid, weed and cocaine.. But never felt addicted or had the hunger to get some again next morning and been able to keep a job for 4 years now (pretty much ever since i got out of college)... The most important thing is just to feel good the place you are doing it and doing it with good friends (not getting pressured into doing stuff).

Maybe the internet porn is taking up all the space in my addict brain. :p
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Post by Master832 »

Cleansation wrote:It's funny i have never been addicted to anything (maybe internet porn), i have done shrooms, acid, weed and cocaine.. But never felt addicted or had the hunger to get some again next morning and been able to keep a job for 4 years now (pretty much ever since i got out of college)... The most important thing is just to feel good the place you are doing it and doing it with good friends (not getting pressured into doing stuff).

Maybe the internet porn is taking up all the space in my addict brain. :p
"Addict brain"? I think you are addicted to weed good sir. Anyways he does have a point, if youre planning on trying a drug make sure your in a good place in your life. Depression and anger are the quickest paths to addiction but if youre happy and you dont need drugs to fill the hole that is your life then youre less likely to get addicted.
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Post by ethan1134 »

roflcopter go soi soi soi
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Post by Cleansation »

Master832 wrote:
Cleansation wrote:It's funny i have never been addicted to anything (maybe internet porn), i have done shrooms, acid, weed and cocaine.. But never felt addicted or had the hunger to get some again next morning and been able to keep a job for 4 years now (pretty much ever since i got out of college)... The most important thing is just to feel good the place you are doing it and doing it with good friends (not getting pressured into doing stuff).

Maybe the internet porn is taking up all the space in my addict brain. :p
"Addict brain"? I think you are addicted to weed good sir. Anyways he does have a point, if youre planning on trying a drug make sure your in a good place in your life. Depression and anger are the quickest paths to addiction but if youre happy and you dont need drugs to fill the hole that is your life then youre less likely to get addicted.
I rarely smokes weed.... Only a few time a day !

Just kidding of course i actually only do it at festivals and concerts.
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Post by imsobored »

ok- whoever said that you CANT party with LSD- you are wrong. well, kind of.

you SHOULDNT take LSD. period. now, before you flame me, let me talk.

i would love to take acid. i would love the experience. however, to keep your body in top health, do not take it.

now- you CAN use lsd as a party drug. its very common at raves. more common is X.(XTC, vitamin X, ecstacy.). 'round here, you "candy flip." you take lsd and ecstacy(mdma.). lsd is not all philosophical- its all mindset. thats all it is.

DONT TAKE LSD AS YOUR FIRST DRUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some some weed first. but please, dont just go to a party and smoke some for your first time. you will freak out, more than likely.

smoke some alone, or around very close friends. once you get a bit used to it THEN go to a party and get stoned.

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Post by rabbithands »

killguta07 wrote:I would suggest you the REAL LIFE drug... stop doing drugs people... there are no such thing as non-addictive drugs... you would really sacrifice your life for that moment of pleasure? Don't you get it? That's the reason it's called DRUGS... just don't do it... you can be cool without it
I do drugs on occasion for recreation, not to look cool. If anybody thinks doing drugs makes them instantly cool, they are quite stupid. In fact, most of the "cool kids" who do drugs (like myself), find it kind of annoying when someone brags about what they did. It really doesn't matter. And I have not ruined my life in the least due to this - I refuse to. I have gotten into some great colleges, and I will graduate high school in the top 15% of my class (I'm not trying to brag, just making a point). I am responsible with it, and i believe that many drugs (with some exceptions), when done responsibly, are unlikely to adversely effect someone that badly. Doing drugs irresponsibly is drug ABUSE, which is entirely different than simply doing drugs on occasion. Drugs are not my life. They don't define me. They just give me some interesting stories to tell:D

And I believe hallucinogens like mushrooms or LSD can have some very spiritual, introspective properties to them, although my 2 shroom trips have only consisted of me being an idiot hahaha. I hope to achieve a more spiritual experience in the future, however.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

drugs are defined by the government..
weed - a grown plants buds _ a fucking plant.....
cocaine - tons of chemicals mixed together -those r both drugs?
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Post by Lifted »

ethan1134 wrote:
gooble wrote:Are you 13 or something? You don't even know what speed is and you think it's a good idea...ya, real nonaddictive alright :rolleyes:
yeah, listen tot his guy. i had a friend who got addicted to speed/adhd meds after 2 uses, took 13 pills once. surprised hes not dead.
My boy took over 170 pills in a period of 3 days just drinking beer, and not eating.

IMAGINE THAT dude....lmfao....I thought dude was going to die, at one point he od'd :eek: , but haven't died.

I only realized he was doing that shit, cause he came over my house on the third day with the chicks he was doing it with.

Maaaaaan, those chicks took about 30 pills each in 3 days, and they only drink and smoke weed occassionally.

Ritalin...synthetic speed :(

Stay away from it, at all times
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Post by shahin100 »

I am responsible with it, and i believe that many drugs (with some exceptions), when done responsibly, are unlikely to adversely effect someone that badly.

Drug rehab
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Post by ookpaya »

stop argueing >_>
The Sponger
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Post by The Sponger »

I know this thread is old, but i think it's a very good one.
In my opinion, you shouldn't do drugs as a way of life, your'e supposed to be happy with who you are and what you got and not using drugs to achive happines.
I'm NOT saying that you should never do it... but making drugs a habit is bad.
Although LSD or ecstacy are not addictive you shouldn't do them, they are still dangerous. The only thing I can say is that weed should be legalized because it's much better than alchohol.
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Post by allceltictx »

Least addictive real drug? Aspirin. It's totally non-addictive. :D
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