I-Doser - Does it affect my health? (Please answer)

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I-Doser - Does it affect my health? (Please answer)

Post by Ayashi »

So yeah.. I just got this thing.

I'm young and I've never tried any drugs. I haven't smoked one cigarette and I don't drink often. Which means I'm concerned about my health - can this thing be bad for me?

Like if I LISTEN to marijuana or opium or morphin, will it do something to my heart? Because I felt really funny and my heart pounds fast and I feel dizzy..

So how is it? Does the use of this thing "pain" my heart?
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Post by Xusk »

The program itself, can't do harm other then maybe hurt ears(Being to loud?). What one's mind believes, is another story.

Example...Marijuana. Useing REAL Marijuana, some people can have panic attacks, anxiety attacks and other things. Assumeing i-doser gives you the same feeling, one may just experience the same side-effects as if they injested the actual chemical.
The symptoms of
panic attacks

raging heartbeat
difficulty breathing, feeling as though you 'can't get enough air
terror that is almost paralyzing
nervous, shaking, stress
heart palpitation, feeling of dread
dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea
trembling, sweating, shaking
choking, chest pains, distress
fear, fright, afraid, anxious
hot flashes, or sudden chills
tingling in fingers or toes ('pins and needles')
fearful that you're going to go crazy or are about to die

Symptoms of anxiety
abdominal discomfort
dry mouth
rapid heartbeat or palpitations
tightness or pain in chest
shortness of breath
frequent urination
difficulty swallowing
Psychological symptoms can include:
irritability or anger
inability to concentrate
fear of madness
feeling unreal and not in control of your actions (depersonalisation)
Now im no doctor, so who knows if it can enhance diseases one may already have.
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