How bad is this?

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VIP GOLD (200-499)
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How bad is this?

Post by blackplague »

As you all know i take a lot of pills..
i take at least 80MG of oxycontin a day... usually crushed.
and at least twice a week i'll get some xanax with it.
sometimes i'll take a xanax bar soon as i crush the oxycontin...
i've noticed it helps the anxiety and pain both really well.
I'm building up a super high tolerance though.. shouldn't crushed 80MG of oxycontin knock someone off they feet?
and it barely buzzes me. How do i reduce the tolerance?
does kratom counter out opiates?
i really want to try kratom in the mix of the benzzys and the opiates.. lol
im scared it will cancel out the effects.
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Post by imsobored »

ok- to lower tolerance you simply stop using the drug for a while. i forget how long the natural detox for opiates are... i wanna say you go to no tolerance after like 2-3 months. but simply wait as long as you can before taking oxy again. but if you are physically addicted to it, i dont know what to tell you.

when you say crushed, your snorting it right?
VIP GOLD (200-499)
VIP GOLD (200-499)
Posts: 360
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:51 pm

Post by blackplague »

no.. i have only insulated twice in my life.. i was in so much pain i though i was going to die.
but that's it.. i mean breaking it and taking it for a quicker release.
quitting taking it isn't really an option for me. i have 3 broken bones in my back that healed wrong put so much pressure it cracked it more and more.. im down to 7... no appointment :(
i hate my life.
chronic pain all the time. taking oxycontin and still hurting.
getting a higher tolerance.

CAN i take kratom with it...? lower my dose. take kratom with it... to increase effects.
i want to take less oxycontin and get more pain relief.
i hurt every day and every night... to the point i have tried to kill myself.
i get so depressed when i can't do anything... no normal 20 year old stuff... i can't even lift shit.
i can't stand to bend over.
i can't put my hands over my head.
and they want to re break it i have no insurance for this shit.
:( 30 fucking grand.
i pay 400 dollars for a fucking bottle of oxycontins.
i don't apply for ANY government aid :(
its like not fair... i don't wanna sound like a baby... but i hate it so bad =[
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