Hand Of God!!

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Hand Of God!!

Post by ariejy »

Hey guys, my friend just got him self Hog and I tried it, fucking wierd I tell you!! Is it normal not even having to close your eyes with Hog or what? I just sat in a circle of my mates and was loling my ass of :´D Is this normal?!11?( Yes, its supposed to say 11)
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Post by Skoad »

Confused. Were you all listening to it thorugh speakers or each had headphones? or were you the only one doing it?
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Post by ariejy »

I was the only one with headphones.. dohh!! ;)
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Post by masterjedi343 »

well i assume if you want HoG to work you should lay down and close your eyes and listen to it. then share your experiences.

anyway, anyone else who tried it im curious to what they saw.
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Post by mitchell6957 »

I did not see anything at all but I did feel extreme fear and I second thought every single move I made I was pissed I did not see any visions cause my friend did he said that people were dragging him on like a board and then everytime that scary ass noise came up It felt like a demon was flashing pass by him. and yes I did follow the 10 steps but still only fear and paranoia no visions...
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Post by jabz »

mitchell6957 wrote:I did not see anything at all but I did feel extreme fear and I second thought every single move I made I was pissed I did not see any visions cause my friend did he said that people were dragging him on like a board and then everytime that scary ass noise came up It felt like a demon was flashing pass by him. and yes I did follow the 10 steps but still only fear and paranoia no visions...

You can't force yourself to have a certain effect, otherwise it's completely placebo and you might as well not even use a dose.

What you had was an effect. Here is a quote from the Hand of God description right from I-Doser:
It could also bring fear, an unknowing realization of self, and a breakdown of all senses. Weeping, fear, anger: you need to realize with such insight could come bad consequences.
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Post by mitchell6957 »

True, true but I do not understand why everyone gets different affects all the time my friend did not get any fear or relization of self but I did, I am wondering why?
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

the effects r all up to u.. these beats u r "hearing".. ur not actually hearing them because u cant hear such high frequencies.. ur mind is re-creating them.. say 200 is played through 1 ear and 210 is played through the other.. then ur brain will try to hear 10.. i think it cuz my giant chickin..... and cock.. its what make the world go round :D
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