legalize marijuana

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Luke Anime
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Post by Luke Anime »

ethan1134 wrote:Who are you talking to?
oh... oops that was SUPOSED to be to the first poster of the forum. My bad
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Post by ethan1134 »

oh...well he hasn't been on in forever, good point none the less.
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Post by Vesher »

This has gone on way too far. There's some valid arguments for each side of the case but everyone continuously makes themselves look like idiots by throwing a bunch of false claims in their post without looking it up.

Marijuana -is- worse for your lungs then cigarettes ... that's only the case because it is extremely rare for it to be filtered, thus creating more tar buildup in your lungs by a long shot. The only way for it to be filtered is via joint, it is not filtered when you take a rip from a bong or any such instrument. It is not very common that people put filters in their joints that compare to the industry.

There -is- an increased risk of depression, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia as a result of marijuana use. This has also been proven

("You must have 1 posts before you can post URL's/Links."

unfortunately I can't post links. But, simply go on Google and search 'Marijuana Schizophrenia' without the quotes and you'll get tonnes of pages worth of evidence)

Any ties someone draws between two drugs are pointless. Each drug is its own and cannot be compared. There are far too many factors to be considered that even saying 'they are kind of the same' is not true. Just because you feel the same when you're drunk and/or high does not mean you body is in the same situation.

As much as it may not be addicting, addiction can derive from anywhere. Addiction is the result of relief and enjoyment that can come from a craving of nicotine to joy, or being relaxed. Even the joy/happiness of obtaining a new candle to add to a collection can form an addiction.

It is true that you cannot overdose on marijuana either. A study proved that it would be impossible to consume enough THC in the time span necessary to cause an overdose.
"Tests performed on mice have shown that the ratio of cannabinoids (the chemicals in marijuana that make you high) necessary for overdose to the amount necessary for intoxication is 40,000:1.

For comparison's sake, that ratio for alcohol is generally between 4:1 and 10:1."

Marijuana stimulates certain brain cells, however, it does -not- cause any damage to your brain cells. Thus, it does not cause brain damage. However it does impair your short term memory while intoxicated. Studies have shown that in chronic/heavy marijuana users impairment still remains after 6-12 weeks following abstinence.

I honestly don't care if it stays legal or not. Not anything I can do or say will effect what the governments views on marijuana and it's legalization. If they intend to legalize it, it will happen in their own time and whenever they feel comfortable about it. Nothing you say or do will have a severe impact on the laws, and this discussion really isn't going to change a thing. Sorry to destroy any passion within this thread, but even considering the fantastical '4:20 protest' which has gone of for -years- in ratio to the change in political views towards the drug. There's no realistic impact potheads can have on the government, especially considering how ill educated they are. Next time you go to a 4:20 protest, ask the people around you what they're protesting. I bet some of them won't even know that it's a protest.

Thanks for reading in its entirety if you did.
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Post by Itsjake1 »

Vesher wrote:This has gone on way too far. There's some valid arguments for each side of the case but everyone continuously makes themselves look like idiots by throwing a bunch of false claims in their post without looking it up.

Marijuana -is- worse for your lungs then cigarettes ... that's only the case because it is extremely rare for it to be filtered, thus creating more tar buildup in your lungs by a long shot. The only way for it to be filtered is via joint, it is not filtered when you take a rip from a bong or any such instrument. It is not very common that people put filters in their joints that compare to the industry.

There -is- an increased risk of depression, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia as a result of marijuana use. This has also been proven

("You must have 1 posts before you can post URL's/Links."

unfortunately I can't post links. But, simply go on Google and search 'Marijuana Schizophrenia' without the quotes and you'll get tonnes of pages worth of evidence)

Any ties someone draws between two drugs are pointless. Each drug is its own and cannot be compared. There are far too many factors to be considered that even saying 'they are kind of the same' is not true. Just because you feel the same when you're drunk and/or high does not mean you body is in the same situation.

As much as it may not be addicting, addiction can derive from anywhere. Addiction is the result of relief and enjoyment that can come from a craving of nicotine to joy, or being relaxed. Even the joy/happiness of obtaining a new candle to add to a collection can form an addiction.

It is true that you cannot overdose on marijuana either. A study proved that it would be impossible to consume enough THC in the time span necessary to cause an overdose.
"Tests performed on mice have shown that the ratio of cannabinoids (the chemicals in marijuana that make you high) necessary for overdose to the amount necessary for intoxication is 40,000:1.

For comparison's sake, that ratio for alcohol is generally between 4:1 and 10:1."

Marijuana stimulates certain brain cells, however, it does -not- cause any damage to your brain cells. Thus, it does not cause brain damage. However it does impair your short term memory while intoxicated. Studies have shown that in chronic/heavy marijuana users impairment still remains after 6-12 weeks following abstinence.

I honestly don't care if it stays legal or not. Not anything I can do or say will effect what the governments views on marijuana and it's legalization. If they intend to legalize it, it will happen in their own time and whenever they feel comfortable about it. Nothing you say or do will have a severe impact on the laws, and this discussion really isn't going to change a thing. Sorry to destroy any passion within this thread, but even considering the fantastical '4:20 protest' which has gone of for -years- in ratio to the change in political views towards the drug. There's no realistic impact potheads can have on the government, especially considering how ill educated they are. Next time you go to a 4:20 protest, ask the people around you what they're protesting. I bet some of them won't even know that it's a protest.

Thanks for reading in its entirety if you did.

Thank you for posting that, even though i do not agree with you 100%

I myself am for marijuana being legalized. I would hate to label myself as a "pothead" or a "herb", but I do smoke a lot of marijuana ;-). One thing that really annoys me is when people compare marijuana to other drugs such as nicotine and alcohol. The truth is, marijuana generally is not good for you, due to the many carcinogens it contains. Also the tar that it contains cannot be good for your lungs. but people find one bad thing about the plant and BLOW IT completely out of proportion. Another thing that REALLY annoys me is when people try miserably to explain how marijuana is more harmful than cigarettes. Seriously if they did the tiniest amount of research they could see that the average american deaths per year due to cigarette smoking is around 350,000-450,000 people

What about marijuana? 0. Yep

Stop trying to say that Marijuana is worse than those death sticks people call cigarettes. YOU CAN'T COMPARE WITH NUMBERS LIKE THAT.

Yeah marijuana has a few negative things along with it, But why can't people recognize the positive things? Marijuana has opened my mind in a much more creative way, and ever since i started smoking it my grades have improved. Yes it does severely impair my short-term memory, (while intoxicated) But it is like being in a whole new world when I'm high. Sort of like a second home haha. I don't smoke every day, I used to in the summertime but now i only do it like twice during the week and a lot during the weekend.

bleh just telling you guys, a person under the influence of marijuana will tend to be more careful if that person happens to get behind the wheel of a car, compared to a person under the influence of alcohol, a person under the influence of marijuana knows that they are in an altered state of mind so they will pay more attention to being careful. A person who has had a few beers or shots or what not is physically not able to control what their body does, so their reaction time is slowed down a lot, they swerve, and they are less careful.

Alcohol is so much more dangerous for a person than marijuana is. And the harmful effects on the body alcohol has is FAR worse than those from marijuana.

So if alcohol is legalized and cigarettes are fine. Why is marijuana illegal when it is clearly a harmless drug? (when used in a safe manner)

Anyways, If you've read through this entire thing then thank you and congrats. Also i DO NOT condone any such thing as driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana, It is not safe and you shouldn't think about doing that :?

Also don't post stereotypes on marijuana users and say that they are ill-educated. Most are but some arent :D

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Post by demonkingjj »

Kato wrote:think about it for a long while. if it gets legalized, it will become just as corrupt as the tobacco industry. tobacco is a gigantic industry and tobacco cigarrettes kill. why? because the big money-makers dilute it SOOOOooooOOOO much with carcinogens and other shit you shouldn't be smoking.

i used to be for legalization too--but we'll be seeing "Marlboro Smooth Joints Lite Low Cal Zero" behind the counter and it won't even get you high, probably. it will just give you cancer for an overpriced half-high.

unless you want the theoretical marijuana industry to become like the tobacco industry, you'll be against legalization.
Honestly, that's like pretty much word-for-word what I was gonna say.


Think about it. Can you imagine how much money the Tobacco companies make from cigarettes? Now don't forget, Marijuana is more expensive and more addictive (although maybe not by alot). They'll see this and realize they can make ever more money from this.

I'd be for legalization, but people will OBVIOUSLY abuse it.
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Re: ah

Post by stickyicky420 »

Marijauna can lead to deppression and then suicide, sorry but im happy the way I am now.

youre fucking retarded. marijuana makes people happier.
hungry happy sleepy,
the only effect of smoking weed, and theyre perfectly harmless.
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Post by ethan1134 »

to the guy who just posted, both the quote and the statement you made have false information.

For the quote, sure it CAN lead to that, but it is so rare among users that they were probably comtemplating suicide/were depressed to begin with, and decided to smoke pot to make it better, which can be bad.

As for the poster, pot can be bad for you, it does more than make you happy. It fucks up your lungs, like tobacco, and can have mental dependence. That "theres nothing bad at all" arguement it giving pot smokers a bad, uneducated name.
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Post by brosef »

This thread makes me facepalm.

Marijuana should be legalized, but I believe that every illegal drug should be as well. Drug crime would be a thing of the past. Also you must remember that nothing is entirely bad and everything can be good in moderation.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

I have refused to read the first seven pages because there are too many idiots on here who have no idea what their talking about, i'm sparing myself the headaches of people who say "its bad for you, its going to kill you"

I urge everyone to watch this please:

Now that thats done. I would like to first say, hi, I'm cameraboirzu and I am a Republican/Libertarian, who want's the legalization of marijuana. Why? Because its how I view the world, my party does not want government interference, we do not want a regulated economy, and we want things done on the state level: fine. Many republicans are against the legalization, however, that seems to go against everything we stand for. Imagine, if someone eats with a fork, and they happened to stab themselves in the eye, should forks be illegal? No, that person was stupid, and got what they deserved. Most people can eat with forks right, there will ALWAYS be people who can't "control" their forks. Same goes with alchohol, (I AM NOT COMPARING WEED TO ALCOHOL IN ANY WAY, ESPECIALLY IN TERMS OF THEIR EFFECTS) anyone can drink, and most people can control their drinking habits, however we have a lot of people who simply cannot control themselves? Is alcohol illegal?

Now for the "legal" portion of my argument:

Do you know why pot is illegal? No, its not based on scientific research, in fact, there wasnt ANY scientific research. In the early 1900's it was America's number 1 cashcrop, it was used as a medicine, Abraham Lincoln grew it, our CONSTITUTION is made of hemp paper.
Eventually though, things started to go down hill, the lumber companies weren't making enough money, and since many african americans and mexicans were using it, it was thought to make you a bad person. William Randolf Hearst, a journalist, wrote many false news reports about how bad it was, because he was getting payed off by the lumber corporations.

Did you know that the top investor of the "Above the Influence" commercials are the alcohol and tobacco companies? Its true.

As a point of health, it is much safer than any other substance that you regularly injest. Last Tuesday, the FDA found that there is no link to the inhalation of Marijuana and Cancer, however, marijuana has been known to actively FIGHT cancer.

Alcohol and Marijuana are nothing alike. I actually read a person earlier who said marijuana causes bad "trips". What? Is marijuana hallucinogenic? No. Please do some research, this is where our mass hysteria is driving us. Forget the above the influence commercials for a little, forget what Alcoholics say, it is safer for you than taking cough medicine, and beleive it or not, has 30% as much tar as one cigarette.

The legalization would not make it more available, however make it less available to teenagers, and other people. You are IN FACT, giving money to gangs by allowing the prohibition to go on.

Even still, everyone has the choice to smoke, if you are convinced that it will kill you, don't smoke, just like if you are convinced alcohol is bad, dont drink, but don't keep it illegal for that purpose.
Last edited by cameraboirzu on Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

demonkingjj wrote:
Kato wrote:think about it for a long while. if it gets legalized, it will become just as corrupt as the tobacco industry. tobacco is a gigantic industry and tobacco cigarrettes kill. why? because the big money-makers dilute it SOOOOooooOOOO much with carcinogens and other shit you shouldn't be smoking.

i used to be for legalization too--but we'll be seeing "Marlboro Smooth Joints Lite Low Cal Zero" behind the counter and it won't even get you high, probably. it will just give you cancer for an overpriced half-high.

unless you want the theoretical marijuana industry to become like the tobacco industry, you'll be against legalization.
Honestly, that's like pretty much word-for-word what I was gonna say.


Think about it. Can you imagine how much money the Tobacco companies make from cigarettes? Now don't forget, Marijuana is more expensive and more addictive (although maybe not by alot). They'll see this and realize they can make ever more money from this.

I'd be for legalization, but people will OBVIOUSLY abuse it.
are you retarded? marijuana is less addictive than coffee and cigarettes. its less addictive than ibuprofen.
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Re: ah

Post by wafcake »

xLAMExOx wrote:Who ever thinks that it should be legalized is LAME!

Marijauna can lead to deppression and then suicide, sorry but im happy the way I am now.

Alcohol and Marijauna are not the same.

Personally I think that it should stay ILLEGAL and cigs should be banned. The problem with your idea of only using it "responsibly" is that maybe you will but someone else wont! then something is gonna go wrong...

So it's fine how it is! :eek:
its someone's choice if they want to smoke it. plus they did a test and they had someone do a driving test who was drunk and they failed of course and had someone who was high take it and they passed perfectly. when you're drunk you can get in a bunch of fights and stuff too. they would never ban cigarettes no one would just stop smoking cigarettes. everyone would be in jail if you're saying that they should make cigarettes illegal but maybe you're just saying like smoking in certain places idk but yeah
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Post by whatpants »

I think it should be legalized, too. Some people find it relieves stress, and in a society like todays, we need all the stress relievers we can get. I for one am prone to stress headaches, and every now and then when the pain killers I take just don't touch it, I light up.

I honestly think it should be seen with the same responsibility that alcohol is seen with-- just like alcohol, you can become addicted, and just like alcohol, you know your limit.

Though I also understand why they haven't legalized it. People tend to... well, when given responsibility, people either rise up to the challenge or they abuse it. Here in England, the legal drinking age is 18, but I can honestly say that at the age of twelve, I was served alcohol and although at the time I felt pretty cool, it was pretty bad.

I think that perhaps marijuana shouldn't be as easy to come across as alcohol, and I certainly think there should be an age limit of at least 16.

On a completely unrelated topic, I think they're planning on raising the drinking level to 21, which would suck. :x
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Post by 420master »

whatpants wrote:I think it should be legalized, too. Some people find it relieves stress, and in a society like todays, we need all the stress relievers we can get. I for one am prone to stress headaches, and every now and then when the pain killers I take just don't touch it, I light up.

I honestly think it should be seen with the same responsibility that alcohol is seen with-- just like alcohol, you can become addicted, and just like alcohol, you know your limit.

Though I also understand why they haven't legalized it. People tend to... well, when given responsibility, people either rise up to the challenge or they abuse it. Here in England, the legal drinking age is 18, but I can honestly say that at the age of twelve, I was served alcohol and although at the time I felt pretty cool, it was pretty bad.

I think that perhaps marijuana shouldn't be as easy to come across as alcohol, and I certainly think there should be an age limit of at least 16.

On a completely unrelated topic, I think they're planning on raising the drinking level to 21, which would suck. :x
ha 21... thats the way its been in the states forever
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Post by whatpants »

420master wrote:
ha 21... thats the way its been in the states forever
Yeah. I think the UK is slowly becoming the states-- we're no longer allowed to drink out in the open. Looks like it's paper bags covering our alcohol from now on.

And we're not allowed to drink on trains! That's where me and my friends always used to drink! How else were we supposed to get drunk before a gig? :(
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Post by cameraboirzu »

whatpants wrote:I honestly think it should be seen with the same responsibility that alcohol is seen with-- just like alcohol, you can become addicted, and just like alcohol, you know your limit.
I agree with the responsibility part of what you're saying. But saying that you can addicted just like alcohol is misleading.
It is much easier to get psychologically addictive to alcohol than to marijuana.
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