Experience Journal. *Update: Gate of Hades*
- Level 2 (20-29)
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:30 pm
Experience Journal. *Update: Gate of Hades*
For the record:
I'm an Aries star sign. 20 year old Male, 130-135 lbs. 5'9'' and well experienced in recreational drugs, just about everything except for crack, crystal meth, and heroine. Hallucinogenics are my favorite and my forte.
I take all of my doses laying down in my bed with over the ear headphones without legs crossed and hands at sides unless otherwise noted. I've noticed increased experiences with louder volume and a quiet room (shut off fans and such). I practice breathing deep through the mouth and out through the nose to prepare my body for the oncoming change.
This is my experience journal, not only do I have previous experiences I will fill in here, But I will continue to add my fresh experiences. My first entry, Ecstasy has been recorded directly after dosing while still under subtle effects.
Title:Euphoric Soreness
Rating: 5/10
Pleasure Rating:3/10 during, 4/10 during the comedown.
Sidenote:For a more sensual experience I would suggest "First Love".
This is a mixed experience involving pain, and euphoria. I would suggest this for mildly experienced dosers looking to vamp up the experience a notch, however for experienced user's, do not waste your money or the time, this is not a SEXUAL dose as related, and it is not particularly pleasant as a whole. The entire dose was spent waiting for a rise or an escalation that never really revealed itself. It's as though I ate a quarter hit of ex and then proceeded to contort my body.
At 5 minutes, I felt an oncoming. Within the next few minutes another tone began and I felt like I was going to spin, but couldn't quite make it past the quarter turn mark. What happened next was the wait. Nothing happened. I forgot if I was even under any dose affects and growing impatient. I eventually was reminded that it was working through the feeling of waves coming in from all directions and kind of compressing me in a lovely fashion. I felt tingles in strange parts of my body (below my left eye) that even struck me as annoying or painful but I had hoped would in turn become pleasurable, which they did not, but faded quickly.
Also, I feel it's important to mention throughout the entire experience, 4 times pain struck me. First my left knee, then my right elbow, then my left thumb out of all things, and then in my right side below the ribcage. As the finale of the dose set in, the last 10 minutes I suppose I became utterly sick of listening to it.
It did work, it even became more pleasing and euphoric, however the most pleasant effects are the rush you receive. I rushed twice, once mid-way, the next at the end. Right now, 5 minutes after dose, my joints ache, I'm only 20 by the way, Skin is flush, I'm sweating, I retained dry eyes dry mouth and dry nostrils (eventually) throughout the dose from the beginning.
I also experienced heavy audio hallucinations at the end for about 3 1/2 minutes, if you're into that lol. Also a strong resemblance for about 20 seconds of Tool feedback on the guitar, strange, perhaps just mind games but it was there in the midst of the dose.
P.S - Before I tried this dose I planned on jacking off afterwards and instead I'm on here typing to a bunch of strangers to make sure you can have a real idea of what this may or may not do for you, if that sais anything for the sexuality of it lol. My girlfriend dosed at the same time as me, but had been in a sexual mood all day and she said she had a GREAT orgasm afterwards, however stated that she was just as bored at points and it was probably the blood rushing and being so hot physically that helped get her off. As for myself, MOOD KILL.
Dose:Astral Projection
Rating: 3/10
Pleasure Rating:0/10
Sidenote:First attempt, I will try again tonight.
Ok, So it wouldn't be right to add my description yet, unless you want to hear how I had lucid nightmares that I was unfortunately in control of. I will edit this multiple times as each night I delve into the experience again. I awoke with headphones still on, So I'm positive the dose completed. It was as though I was being eaten alive and flailing about in hopelessness.
Well, This one's gonna be short, I have little to no recollection of my dreams last night however.. They were intensely vivid and I definitely was in control. The part that really got me is I remember swatting at a fly yesterday for whatever reason, and all I can still pull from my dreams is literally being eating alive by spiders and eventually bee's. Just running hard and fast feeling the prickling of spider bites and when I finally ripped them all from my flesh, I heard buzzing, and pulled down the front of my pants to witness several bees on my abdomen stinging me relentlessly. The rest of what I can remember about this first attempt is smashing bee's with my bare hands out of fright and panic, which is something I wouldn't even do in real life lol, I'm totally scared of bee's. What a trip.
Dose:Hand of God
Title:Hand of Super...
Rating: 7/10
Pleasure Rating:8/10
Description:One of the more potent doses. However as it goes, I wouldn't label it strongest by any means. Took me for quite a ride physically, as my body changed with the constant tone's fluxuation. Distracts the mind, and If you fall into sleep after dosing, Well you're in for a ride. The Emblem on the cape was all I needed, Tears flowed freely, We were saved.
I began the dose, And I lay in my natural no legs or arms crossed or touching my body. However as my energy began to shift with the pressing tones I noticed it to be much more comfortable with my hands on my abdomen and switching twice inbetween having one foot cocked up to touch the other knee as I lay straight. This position made me feel incredibly comfortable and let the trip set in. I cannot specifically tell you what I thought about, It would be impossible to try. What I can say though, Is that the experience was not as scary or intense as anyone has claimed it to be. My rating on a scale of one to ten is accurate as I can make it for you.
The fear began to set in multiple times as shifts in the sound happened, but never actually provoked genuine fear, only teased it subtly. What happened was pleasant and I would almost like to use the word euphoria however that is not the correct term. Well being, Peace in oneself seems to me more appropriate.
I know you'd like to hear about what happened during the dose but it's been two days and I cannot recall everything I'd like to tell you about, however I will recap perhaps later today with my second dosing and a direct entry afterwards. What happened next was the feeling washing goodness all over me, and I took the headphones off and lay on my side like I usually do. My thoughts were pleasantly distracted. Very pleasantly actually I would like to say contentment consumed me.
I quickly fell asleep in what felt like about 2 minutes, the dose had made me a little sleepy. This is where the trip began. What I can remember in striking detail is; My home, my old house in a little old town called niles, And standing near my garage. But who would be there except my personal jesus, Superman himself. In all his glory, shining brighter than any cartoon or comic book character. I remember staring at the flowing cape as I saw his back turned to me, and tears poured from my eyes, Tears of pure joy. We finally had our savior, We were saved. I had the joy of having company with me and when I showed him superman standing inside the lip of my garage, and I again began to cry freely. It was truly glorious.
A few of the details are fuzzy but the next thing I remember is superman kneeling and telling my friend to go ahead and hit him. My friend took a hammer from the tools and hesitantly swung and hit the tip of superman's nose, making a "CHINK" sound and falling to the floor. As stunned as we both were he tried again, and the details fade rapidly. I know there was more to my dream but it's just damn near impossible to recall.
So I have to say, hand of superman is a great trip, I suggest it to mid-experienced users. It's not as scary as you'd think. Infact the dreams I had were better and more joyful than the dose itself. It does invoke wellbeing and a strong sense of peace before it's over though. Don't be scared. Do it.
Title:The Matrix.
Rating: 10/10, 1/10 In the first 15 minutes or more. I almost quit and just left it alone.
Pleasure Rating:11/10
Sidenote:First ever mp3 doser. Also took half a shot of Southern Comfort 10 minutes ago.
Description:Hey kids, have you ever had a four inch metal spike injected into the back of your cerebrum and then splooged 90 tons of digital ecstasy into you? Well now you can experience this at home children! Radical, Scary, Best feeling, Most intense, off the wall, I could go on. This dose is the winner. The Matrix. The anxiety, The fear, It was on the verge of consuming me, I became frustrated and angry at the writer's of this strange program that startled and befuddled me. Then someone flicked the switch. I'm in.
Holy shit, where to begin. Ok. I started the dose. There...whooo....(head rushing body feels great trouble collecting thoughts). *Lights a cigarette* Holy shit..Better than sex. Better than every recreational drug (except halli's) I've tried, I could only compare it to perhaps heroine considering I have yet to have tried heroine at all. Wayy better than oxycontin as well. WOOOH.
Ok, Last thing I expected. I read that it was demonic sounding and scary as hell, so of course I rushed right into it. Dizzam. There is no way to accurately portray this so I'll do the best I can, my mind is still spinning heavily.
Once again, I started the dose. 5 minutes in I knew it was going to get to the scary shit soon, so my anticipation rose, and I opened my eyes (something I never do in a dose) and I would swear I had light visual hallucinations, but I closed them quickly to avoid distracting myself. *another wave of pleasure runs down my spine as i'm writing this* The sound began to fade, and as my anticipation peaked, or so I thought, I barely had time to think about being afraid before the mind rape kicked in.
Serious mind rape. Bad trips, staring deep into the mirror listening to tool couldn't bring fear like this. I was more than startled and nearly tore the headphones from my ears. I grabbed them and set them on my head and gripped my chest in almost agony thinking that if it continues I'm going to puss out right now. A silent tear rolled down my face, A tear of genuine terror.
The alien verbalizations receded and left me feeling grateful, but soon after the constant tones began to annoy me, I felt angered and a bit deceived, as in maybe these assholes at i-doser are just playing games with me now and I'm not a very good mark. Light waves of pleasure, subtle came and went within a few short minutes. Almost the same tones just kept pouring into my ears and I began to have to deal with the anticipation or fear that it was going to happen again. I did NOT want to go through this a second time. It seemed like forever. Nothing changed. No effects. I'm pissed, and ready to take off the headphones.
I feel a sudden change in tone, and before it fully faded like the first time it began before I expected it. This time, It wasn't mind rape. It was like plugging into the matrix for the first time. My eye's peeled open and I would not close them again for the duration of the trip, which i'd estimate lasted 10-12 minutes. My back arched and my arms pulled back in claws and I felt like someone had shot me with a fucking pulse gun. Pulses of pure energy flowed through my body, Rapidly, Almost overwhelmingly. A never before experience(d) pleasured my body and I became stunned. I still am stunned.
This was the pinnacle. I have never physically shifted outside of comfort during a trip. I've teared up, I've felt good, I've felt different. This CHANGED everything. It makes smoking an ounce of pot to the face a serious joke. It makes two hits of ex sound like petty games, It smashes the feelgood nods of oxycontin into pieces. It literally blew my gord. No drug outside of hallucinogenics has produced such an altered state for me.
My back arched in pleasure, my arms pulled back to grasp what reality I had left. My mind was washed in an ocean of insanity and absurdity. This is the shit that leaves people wondering if they were abducted. Had I been tripping while attempting this, I might never come down from the high.
The heavy shit settled, and a long pure tone struck out and removed the anticipation of it all happening again. I began to wonder, Did the dose reset? Am I going to shit my pants again? But no, It wasn't low tones like the intro, it was pure, high and fluxuating to my needs. It would every once and a while just flex a little and send more good energy throughout. It guided me safely away from the overwhelming feeling, so as to not leave me sitting on the floor utterly perplexed as to what's going on. Near the end as it faded and I knew it had to be ending, I still feared the "information" "alien" sounds that scared the bejebus out of me the first time it came around.
What a fucking trip. It comes highly suggested by me, however like I said, NOT to the feint of heart, weak willed, Or to the ill experienced. I'm still sitting in my seat thinking.."Damn, What a fucking trip." This was the dose, the bomb, the shit, the Holy Grail of all doses. Go get mind raped. Enter the f'n Matrix.
Dose:Gate of Hades
Pleasure Rating:10/10
Sidenote:Just woke up not too long ago, 20-40 minutes. Still sleepy. Let's dose. Oh wait, cigarette first.
Description:You awake to a strange feeling, is there something strange going on? No, my thoughts are just a little far out, I must be wound up. Is there some kind of theme to my dark thoughts? There has to be. BLAM. Abducted. It's just like that, I mean, you're laying down wondering what was that strange...BLAM You've been abducted. Get ready for a hell of an experience. Climatic, and exhilerating..Are you afraid of aliens? It hit me, I was being "beamed up", taken away. And all I could do is grin.
I began with hair raising after about two minutes. I blamed it on the fact that I forgot to turn my fan off before I lay down to administer the dose. Then began the thought that maybe my girlfriend wasn't on this morning because she had an epileptic seisure because of the dose I gave her last night (crazy right?). So I dismiss it as the distractedness that comes with some doses and let my mind wonder. I happened on the thought that I was lying in a hospital bed and my partner was helping me listen to I-doser tracks but she kept giving me the wrong ones because I couldn't communicate and I a red button to push but I couldn't use my body anymore.
So eventually I'm getting bored but noticing the smallest things. A couple of waves of energy creep down my spinal column. Nice. Through the experience I had 7 waves of energy crawl down my back and through the nervous system. I'm still getting them after the dose occasionally, it's only been a few minutes.
I felt like sand had been poured on me, or perhaps the air was beginning to pressurize, but the thought quickly faded as did the rest of my slightly demented thoughts. The whole time I'm thinking..Is this scary?? But even asking myself that made it less frightening, I was just like...Well not really. A few more of the 7 energy waves hit me after the pressure feeling and another raising of hairs.
I forgot to mention at some point something dark either moved inside of me or moved into me through my left face region. And by dark I just mean it felt like black or darkness, not in a negative fashion though, just a weird sensation to describe in words.
The tone gained an upward momentum. What the hell...? BLAM. Like a punch to the brain. As it crawled up my anticipation grew and it was like...waiting for christmas morning I knew it was going to hit me, the terrifying noise from inhalant. I'd been waiting the whole dose for this. probably 25 minutes in is when the rise in tone began. Higher and higher pitched.
I wasn't expecting it to hit when it did, I mean trust me I was expecting it, just it suprized the crap out of me, It was majorly different than inhalent. Yet the same "alien noise". It crackled strangly and quickly and my eyes shot open WTF?? and BAM! It was like someone caught me in an energy beam and was lifting my soul right off the planet. It was so entrancing I would do it again right now. I shut my eyes after about 4 seconds of straight up staring at the ceiling but not really looking through my eyes it was all in my body. I didn't want to close them either..trust me lol.
Fear was the least of my concern throughout this experience. It turned out to be completely unfrightening if I could absolve my anticipation.
My body was being lit up, like a beacon. I felt like I was a beacon for something much larger. A housing unit of energy. Bigger than us I mean, Hence the name abduction, well..that and the feeling of literally lifting off the planet. I felt like someone had poured light in through my face and my whole body shined like a star. I felt like honestly I could have been one with the terrestrial bodies at that point, I could have just hung out in space and stayed that way. And by bodies I mean the stars/sun/planets, just for the record. I felt a strong lifting and the energy that fluxuated through my body was about as intense as it gets.
Pleasure. Ecstasy. These words do not do it justice by any means. It was weirder than pleasure, it was stranger than positive energy. It was foreign energy that left me feeling good, without fear, wishing that it wouldn't stop taking me to the plane in which I could almost touch..if touch meant anything to me at that moment, which it did not.
Enter, is the word I'm looking for. Like I was about to enter a new plane of existance where I was a supercharged battery or a diamond exploding light into the nether. It was like stripping the body and the surroundings away and feeling my soul purge the darkness from around me.
The only thing I didn't like about this dose was waiting and anticipating the fearful "alien noise". But this wasn't scary. It was like..So intriguing it mind fucked me. I've had two more waves of pleasure since the last one while writing this. The after effects are pleasant and I guess stick with you a little while.
All the hype about this being such a frightening dose went right out the window. I suggest this to people who are experienced with their doses and know what they enjoy, and I suggest it to all psychonauts. Beautiful Dose. Great. I want to use the word fragrant not because of a smell sensation but because of the way I still feel like someone made me smell roses and I'm just like yea....roses are nice. Lol.
Comparison:My first comparison to another dose. The Matrix (Inhalant) and Abduction are the closest related doses that I've used, as far as how intense and how similar the format's are. However. They are not the same. And they both are my new favorite doses. There is something about each one that gives it character yet they share a few same...Qualities. This is less scary than the Matrix, hardly scary at all if you ask me. I suggest if you don't like one try the other, One of them will kick you in the face and say hey buddy, I know you like it.
P.S - It's been at least 15 minutes since my dose ended, and I am still "suffering" lol from wells of pleasure streaming down my spine. Alot.
And apparently walking is not for me, I got up and nearly crashed into my fish tank.
- Level 2 (20-29)
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:30 pm
i just did inhalent aka"The Matrix" and holy shit...i read nothing about it except for the description and when that mind rape came shit scared me so bad i took off my headphones for a few seconds to only to resume the dose again i cant get over it
Your description was perfect for this dose in everyway
Your description was perfect for this dose in everyway
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
Can we please stop ripping doses from torrents? Or at least be smart about it. I-Doser knows when they sell a new HoG or GoH, and if they don't its very obvious that you stole it.
If you did buy it, disregard this; there have been a lot of Goh/HoG reviews lately, and i'm positive I-Doser isn't selling that many.
If you did buy it, disregard this; there have been a lot of Goh/HoG reviews lately, and i'm positive I-Doser isn't selling that many.
- Level 2 (20-29)
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- Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:30 pm
That's not very polite camera. Unless you work for I-doser I don't think that you know what you're referring to my friend. I wouldn't post a reply just to insult someone. It seems childish. I-doser is a very well known company and I myself have been suggesting it to people almost on a daily basis. I told two people about it today I was on a job with, and they were thoroughly interested despite the fact that I told them how much it costs. And by the way, Some people purchase CD's of these and can use them for personal use at will. So don't be a Debbie Downer. Positive thinking my friend. I will sell more than I spend on these for I-doser. Thanks bud.
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
I didn't mean to come across as an ass.
My my point is, that HoG and GoH together cost $400. The likelyhood of you buying BOTH within a short period of time is unlikely. I don't claim to be working for I-Doser, but they obviously don't sell many doses, when anyone and their mother can pirate either dose, with a simple Google search.
I too have suggested I-Doser to co-workers and fellow students, and a lot of them get back to me with positive reviews. Regardless, its not acceptable to pirate copyrighted material, even if you are helping to get I-Doser a sale.
Do I know you stole it? No. Am I actively accusing you of pirating? No. Rather, I was warning you that if you DID steal it, you may wan't to watch what you post, (because I would hate to see you get in trouble
I'll admit my post was impolite, but not childish. If you take something thats not an insult as an insult, thats where we run into problems.
As for positive thinking, I devote a lot of time into using the law of attraction, and other positive thinking methods. I actually fail to see how I was being a negative thinker.
I hope no harm was done here between us. I'm just trying to state that I don't like to see piracy occur (which I'm not accusing you of) and that if you ARE pirating material, you shouldn't make it obvious.
Hope we're cool,
My my point is, that HoG and GoH together cost $400. The likelyhood of you buying BOTH within a short period of time is unlikely. I don't claim to be working for I-Doser, but they obviously don't sell many doses, when anyone and their mother can pirate either dose, with a simple Google search.
I too have suggested I-Doser to co-workers and fellow students, and a lot of them get back to me with positive reviews. Regardless, its not acceptable to pirate copyrighted material, even if you are helping to get I-Doser a sale.
Do I know you stole it? No. Am I actively accusing you of pirating? No. Rather, I was warning you that if you DID steal it, you may wan't to watch what you post, (because I would hate to see you get in trouble
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
I'll admit my post was impolite, but not childish. If you take something thats not an insult as an insult, thats where we run into problems.
As for positive thinking, I devote a lot of time into using the law of attraction, and other positive thinking methods. I actually fail to see how I was being a negative thinker.
I hope no harm was done here between us. I'm just trying to state that I don't like to see piracy occur (which I'm not accusing you of) and that if you ARE pirating material, you shouldn't make it obvious.
Hope we're cool,
- Level 2 (20-29)
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:30 pm
I apologize to everyone who wasted their time reading this this is NOT part of my journal or something I felt like wasting 5 minutes of my time writing. I hope you've found what you came to this section of the forums for, presented in a neat fashion and coming directly from my experiences.
Well you did come across as an ass. You have zero statistics involving how many doses I-doser sells. As I've told you I've been telling people about them for weeks. I've had these doses on my computer waiting to use them. And yes, I have the money to purchase more than one hit of each. Infact I have the money to buy alot of luxuries you must also be jealous of. Leave me alone. Don't bother posting here again. You're wasting your time, and mine. You're just like an old friend of mine, your ego is too big for your own good. Keep to yourself camera. Period. Don't bother me again this is for others benefits and you're lucky to be reading about what these doses actually do. I've read your journal of quickhits, Sorry you can't purchase anything better. So take the likelyhood of you buying none of these and stick it bud. Thanks, and btw. Don't act so macho and then act like you're not just butting your nose where you have no business and know nothing. Your opinion and waste of words has been noted. And now people can read a very lame sidenote at the bottom of my page, a.k.a. This discussion. Don't post here again. And don't ever accuse someone of something you're not sure of, you'll feel stupid when you uncover the rest of the story. I'm not here to argue with nobodies. I'm here to inform people who want to learn, not analyze the situation at hand for apparently no good reason. Goodbye.
Well you did come across as an ass. You have zero statistics involving how many doses I-doser sells. As I've told you I've been telling people about them for weeks. I've had these doses on my computer waiting to use them. And yes, I have the money to purchase more than one hit of each. Infact I have the money to buy alot of luxuries you must also be jealous of. Leave me alone. Don't bother posting here again. You're wasting your time, and mine. You're just like an old friend of mine, your ego is too big for your own good. Keep to yourself camera. Period. Don't bother me again this is for others benefits and you're lucky to be reading about what these doses actually do. I've read your journal of quickhits, Sorry you can't purchase anything better. So take the likelyhood of you buying none of these and stick it bud. Thanks, and btw. Don't act so macho and then act like you're not just butting your nose where you have no business and know nothing. Your opinion and waste of words has been noted. And now people can read a very lame sidenote at the bottom of my page, a.k.a. This discussion. Don't post here again. And don't ever accuse someone of something you're not sure of, you'll feel stupid when you uncover the rest of the story. I'm not here to argue with nobodies. I'm here to inform people who want to learn, not analyze the situation at hand for apparently no good reason. Goodbye.
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
NOW whos being childish? Do I need statistics as to how well they sell if they're doses are $200 a pop? You realize thats quite overpriced. Even you, who obviously has all the money in the world knows that. If you honestly purchased $800 worth of doses fine, at least we know whos smarter here. If you had these doses on your computer waiting to use them fine, I have some I haven't used yet either. YOu will notice in my initial post how I said if you HAD purchased them then you should disregard my message. I have the right to post wherever I want, I dont see any "admin" text under your name, so you have no right to tell me where to post. In fact, this is not a waste of my time. If you come on here acting like I'm a bad person and that you (who obviously cares about every one, because you can post subtext) has some issues to deal with that are not related to the internet. On the topic of MY experience journal: Wow, that is seriously hippocritical. I make a comment non-related to the majority of your journal (to one file) and you get pissed, but its okay if you make criticisms of my journal. I have many Qhick hits, yes, but I also DO have a schedule. I'm sorry I can't dose hours on end like you do every day, I have school, I work, and I have a social life. You will notice I actually do have a large portion of my experiences as 30 minute doses anyway. Acting macho and then acting like I know nothing? Well, yes I did come on a tad strong, which I deffinitely apologized for. Then you came and blew things out of the water. Its acceptable in social situations to apologize when you make a mistake, you must not know this, since you spend all of your time in your house using I-Doser. In fact I dont feel stupid, because you still haven't addressed my accusation; dont cover up things that you know are true. In terms of informing people, thats basically what I do; untill someone like ness ever returns, I'm going to be informing people about binaural beats. If you can't accept that, or your jealous/pissed for no damned good reason, that is your own fault. I suggest popping a couple xanax, and taking a break from I-Doser.
You deserve no good bye.
You deserve no good bye.
- Level 2 (20-29)
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- Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:48 am
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
Thats because I have a future ahead of me.TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:Uhh camera i read trilithium's posts he smokes man drugs, you smoke ass baby drugs, so hes the better man. Plus if your on i doser 24/7 im guessing a social life is highly improbable
Contrary to my post count, I dont dose all the time
![big grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
dude no offence but Im pretty sure every single person on this forum has very little chance of a positive future...cameraboirzu wrote:Thats because I have a future ahead of me.TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:Uhh camera i read trilithium's posts he smokes man drugs, you smoke ass baby drugs, so hes the better man. Plus if your on i doser 24/7 im guessing a social life is highly improbable
Contrary to my post count, I dont dose all the time
- Level 2 (20-29)
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:48 am
Yeah I dont need to have a future because I inhearited 4 million $ from my dad cuz my parents are divorced and the second I turn 18 its all mine. Not to sound like a greedy son of a bitch but its true.TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:what are you gonna be? a doctor, engineer, cuz i have no fuckin future, thankfully i hav rich ass parents
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm