can you be addicted to i-doser?

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can you be addicted to i-doser?

Post by ringoke »

i wonder if it is like the real thing that you addicted to the feelings and stuff of i-doser is it ?or not?

Post by pjott »

I believe, you can't.

I'd like to call myself an I-Doser Addict, because...
... Well :)
If you try, you'll find out how relaxing and "entertaining" it can be.
Not at least, LEGAL!

BUT: And I do say 'BUT':
- If someone else here say that you can get addicted, I'd give them the
finger. The reason for that is simple:
Your brain goes back to Theta state in a few min(s). after a dose.
Theta state, is your "normal" brain-state.

With real drugs, it dosn't before after a day or so.
So: Since my brain goes back to Theta after 15 min. (personal record :D),
I do not feel any side-effects or anything like that...
... At all :)

And it isn't like: "Oh! I gooootta get home! See you later guys!"
And my friend go: "Why?"
And I'm like: "Cuz I have an important meeting with Mrs. Mary-J!"

Hope you got that.

Let me say: I don't believe you can EVER get addicted to I-Doser!


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Post by JaevL »

Oh come on pjott course you can get addicted by using I-Doser - its so damn good ! :P

Cant wait to take that 45 min Mary Jane later on.... :D

wow there was my sig lol, bought a new headset today :D
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Post by lordfarquad »

yes you can.. mentally.

Same for the real mary-jane, its not physically addicting like nicotine, but the high you get feels so great you get addicted to getting that high.

Post by Taliban_Banana »

I'm addicted to Mari-jane dose, It's great after a hard day. (It does not hurt my lungs/brain/throat, so what's the problem?) :cool:
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Post by tolle125 »

No you cant. This isn't anywere near powerfull enough. It's not quite the reall thing. And if any one says they are, they don't know what addiction is.
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