Experience or daydream?

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Experience or daydream?

Post by Cirxa »

So I decided to try A-bomb. After about 7 minutes I started to either daydream or fall into a trance. This happened about 6 times throughout the dose. I think I was racing somebody on the first one and we were on top of the letter A. During this one, giant numbers counted up to 10 with the girl from Pulp-Fiction saying them (I think). I don't exactly remember the rest, but I remember the last one. I was at the fair with my girlfriend and she was eating what I thought was shit and as the frequencies grew high pitched she got taller and when they shrunk to a lower pitch she got smaller. I didn't feel any effects myself except the occasional numbing from sitting still for a long time. Now is this a CEV experience or a daydream, because I've had pretty trippy daydreams.
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Post by RoboChris »

hmm, i have the same prob. but i think its with everything i do. im not sure if im day dreaming with just extra detail or is it working?
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Normally a day dream. Could have been a trance too.
Trances are states of hyper suggestability where your brain can easily be suggested different things from your concsious (giving you the ability to sometimes control your visuals) Also, when you're in a trance, you are much more aware of your surroundings and whats going on around you. You feel like you take up less space, and things are different.

Day dreams, you often forget you're dreaming, but you are also aware where you are at the same time. I wouldn't worry about which one you had (daydream or trance) and just enjoy what you get. It's too much hastle to worry.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

I'm pretty sure you can induce a trance via self hypnosis.

Correct me if I am wrong.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Bloodbane424 wrote:I'm pretty sure you can induce a trance via self hypnosis.

Correct me if I am wrong.
I-Doser is, in a way, self hypnosis. Not saying that the effects you get aren't real, but in a trance state we are more influenced by our surroundings. People seeing visuals that would normally be seen as dreams and are calling them "trances" are somewhat false. Usually, you know when you're in a trance, and sometimes, you may have no visuals.

Trance states allows us to fully hear the sound, and respond to the beats.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

cameraboirzu wrote:
Bloodbane424 wrote:I'm pretty sure you can induce a trance via self hypnosis.

Correct me if I am wrong.
I-Doser is, in a way, self hypnosis. Not saying that the effects you get aren't real, but in a trance state we are more influenced by our surroundings. People seeing visuals that would normally be seen as dreams and are calling them "trances" are somewhat false. Usually, you know when you're in a trance, and sometimes, you may have no visuals.

Trance states allows us to fully hear the sound, and respond to the beats.
Thanks, you're really helpful. :D
Posts: 1341
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm

Post by cameraboirzu »

No problem. For more info you can of course google "trance states" or "states of trance". You may get mixed results and a lot of website talking about joining a cult though :P

Wiki is your buddy too.
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