0min: started
2min: hear ringing
4min: felt as though my eyes were open even though they were completely shut
5min: I get chills as the static starts
6min: everything seems very dreamy... really weird
7min: heart rate picking up
8min: massive chills
9min: CEV: purple wavy lines against red background
10min: CEV: I'm walking down a railroad
11min: UNBELIEVABLE chills and goosebumps, getting scared
12min: CEV: rapidly alternating colours
13min: really tense beat is going really fast im getting goosebumps adrenaline rush
14min: CEV: scary figure
15min: massive goosebumps
CEV: heart monitor
fluttering eyelids
16min: CEV: keep seeing this black box that engulfs everything; goosebumps
17min: first time my whole body gets goosebumps
18min: ears move involuntarily
19min: CEV: 3Dness
20min: everything overcome by darkness, goosebumps, getting scared
21min: lip starts quivering
23min: demonic noises caught me off guard good heavens
24min: crazy fluttering eyelids
25min: everything startles me
26min: CEV: highway
first time in my life i ever get a cold sweat
27min: hear banging on the wall, becoming paranoid
28min: uncontrollable tremors
30min: dose is over
Sweet Jesus, that alone was the mos terrifying thing ever! The demonic noises COMPLETELY caught me off guard. Unbelievable!! Amazing(but terrifying dose) BY FAR the dose that had the most effect on me !!